Chapter 21: Fairy sacks

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Ariella Diego

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Ariella Diego

God! I hate my fucking life.


The wedding is in four fucking days, yes four and that dick-face hasn't shown me his dick-like-face this whole week except for the incidence in my fucking office cabin.

He regrette-

Shut the damn fuck up!

Was just stating the facts!

I know he is still pissed but totally disappearing is rude, like literally rude when he is my oh-so fiancé.

Not that I want to see him or anything, but wanna set a few ground rules considering our marriage is anything but consented.

The only ground rule should be the two of you having sex on the ground after breaking the bed.

No one reads your commentary, whore!

Shore, bitch, shore!

Me being Al-fucking-varo's blood ruins everything.

Yesterday I had to handover a few files to him so he sent Elena to pick it instead and she was anything but nice to me. She didn't say anything either just grabbed them and left giving me a few nasty looks.

I have to go and tell Alan today about the hell I have gotten into. I am fucking nervous. He would be hurt.

If you ask me what the fuck I am doing right now, just don't!

I am being fitted into this hugeass dress in which I can barely breathe.

Yes, I can't even make my smartass remarks. Bitch, you gotta get outta this!

Like bro, something light and classy would do for me but that hag of a stepmother I have has been literally getting me squeezed into these weird cringe sacks which are too fashionable for me. Like fashionable but in a weird way.

''There you go, sweetheart,'' the old saleswoman at this wedding dress shop says as she gives me a 'you look so beautiful' and I swear it took all of me to wait until she gets out to let out a scoff.

You look like a puffed empty packet of chips, almost ready to burst.

You didn't really have to say that even if you are right.

This dress is like huge and off-shoulder, the small sleeves on my arms are girly ugly bows and the neckline makes my tits look like two fitted joker noses and the huge skirt thingy in the bottom is going to make me gag. It is not even complementing my hourglass figure, the one I work so damn hard for. Even my shoulders can't be differentiated with the one of hulk's.

In simple words, I look like I am wrapped in a white balloon.


I just want to wear a simple and sober outfit.

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