Oct 21st 23 : the perfect setting

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Dear writers,

I am typing from my secrétaire, a fancy french word for an office table. But it has immaculate vibes. It's very very old, it served several generations of ADHD women, you can just guess the state. But for my historical romance / thriller taking place in Jane Austen's England? It's the best place.

I don't have quills and parchment paper... which is a shame. But I wouldn't be able to use nanowrimo with it. So I will be using my lovely surface pro. I will be having tisane in my nice mugs. Probably bury myself in plaids, put a kpop playlist on and a dim light (no, no candles in my household).

And I will make sure to have a break every half an hour. Take a stroll to the grocery store, dance weirdly to make all my bones crack, cook something delicious for later. Like I am really trying to think of several activities that I like that will get my blood flowing and my spine straight.

I am also putting systems in place in case I don't have inspo. You might ask yourself what I have been doing for October if not creating a blank-page proof writing system? Well, I know myself well enough. Sometimes it's about inspiration, sometimes it's about motivation, sometimes it's just about finding that sweet spot where the words flow like heavy rain. It asks for times alone, times where I disconnect, times where the little gray cells rest (Poirot Joke).

I also stocked up some groceries, some sweets, some easy to cook meals... I thought about movies and series that will help me envision my story. And of course I already planned my college work ...

I also decided that it would be my priority. Of course Nanowrimo is very important to me. But my degree is like ... way up above that list. When I started planning, my teachers were not clear on the end of the year projects. I thought we would have the bulk of the work in december. Well, I was wrong. And I am not even mad. That's life.

At the end of the day, I stay a writer, you stay a writer, we stay writers as long as we try. Where am I trying my best right now? In my degree. So let's see what happens! To be honest that part of the year has always been rife with challenges. So let's go.

Until tomorrow, find the perfect settings for your experience.

Lady Light

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