Oct 3th 23 : Let's clarify things

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Dear readers,

I love to jump on things. I mean, I love the idea of just starting on the spot and letting the words just come to me. But in my very long experience, it's the recipe for huge disappointments (no I don't jump in real life I have old bones remember?). How many thousands, probably thousands of words have I wasted writing too fast an idea I didn't spend any time planning? Just too much for my very selective taste.

So let's spend some time observing your story from the outside. If you were to talk to me about it, what would you tell me? It's a great start, write it somewhere (maybe in the comments?), just some sentences, the most interestings parts, the beginning maybe? Think of a synopsis, a teaser or a comparison that you adore. Try to do the same for your idea.

It's always a great exercise to do. You train your brain to have a big vision, something you can share before you actually start writing. And when you're done writing, you have something to compare, a testimony that you made your idea a reality. If you are having a blank page day, you can go back to it. It's so powerful you're gonna want to be able to see it easily.

At that point can you answer those questions :

What is the genre of the story? (or the genreS)

What is the pace? (a breathtaking fast-pathing thriller or a contemplative slice of life?)

Who is or are your characters? (which voice are you gonna use?)

What's the main plot?

I think it's enough for today, more will be coming in the coming days.

For myself, I will be writing a historical romance, with a mystery twist, fiction. The pace will be quite slow with very heightened climaxes extended over several months. My two main characters are Victoria and Eric. I will be writing from Victoria's point of view, I do hope I will get to write in Eric's voice at some point. Victoria is a middle child of a very dysfunctional family, which means she has a lot of fire inside, think april's aries and she wants to kill her dad, so, so bad. Eric used to be hella poor, like he went from 1 to 1000 very fast in the marine fighting against Napoleon (well, the Frenchs, you know that). Now he wants to find a wife and settle. Well, too bad for him, my plot will have him begging to stay alive real fast.

You see I didn't give it all for your eyes to see, but the beginning is strong enough to inspire me to continue on this journey.

As always, please offer you the chance to let your progress in the comments.

Until tomorrow, may your enemies choke on some gum,

Lady Light

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