Oct 15th 23 : the Nano website

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Dear writers,

If you know about Nanowrimo (national novel writing month) then you probably know about their website. I know there was a lot of controversy surrounding him when I started to track my progress on it. People were pissed that they couldn't put their manuscrit into the website for counting anymore. And so, how are you supposed to count your words now?

I personally like to not care. I have worked on open office, scrivener, google docs, wattpad, all of them gave me different word counts on the same manuscript. So I'll be transparent here, when I update the nano website, I don't care about giving the exact perfectly accurate count, I will give the count that my word processor gave me.

I actually quite enjoy the nano website. I love the forums, the badges, the writing resources. I mostly love how non-intrusive he is. You can do so much and yet they will not notify you every two minutes to say where you are with your words.

I will advise you to register today. Set up your story (you can modify it later), share it on your social media, and register to one or two forums. Really see everything that is possible. I do find that it is a very powerful tool to envision your journey. It truly allows you to be your best writer version of yourself.

Your author is running so late she needs to go ASAP.

Until tomorrow, may you feel loved.

Lady Light

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