Oct 11th 23 : When, where and who?

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Dear writers,

I am so excited for today's task. It is probably my favorite part or the prepping process. Now that you have your synopsis, you can outline your novel. As you may know, there are about as many outline methods as stars in the sky. I have tried quite a few since 2017 nano. I won't give you the best method, the one that will work for everyone and every story. That just doesn't exist. You are the only heroes defending your story with your strength. Today, I am only giving you very loose and general indications.

They say "every road goes to Rome" in the South of France where I live. Well, every beat of your story should go towards a climax. Each scene should build the anticipation towards some action. Each dialogues should give us hints on the characters, their stories and where they are headed. That! That is what we are not doing today. I can feel your shaky eyes.

No, today is all in the title : when, where and who. You are going to take your synopsis and start to think about what it is gonna take to get to the end. So on a blank page, please draw or arrange a table with 4 columns and as many rows as you need. The columns will be called "beat/chapter/scene" (you choose) then "when" (either dates or text), "where" (like the exact place where it will take place) and finally "who" (which characters).

With that magical tool you are gonna have a strong base of info on your story. You don't have to put what you are gonna write, just everything that needs to happen for the completion of the story.

I will share a small glimpse of mine:

Beat- chapter-Scene





D-1 in the evening of a spring party

countryside of England, castle, ball room

Victoria, Victoria's father and sister, Eric, Eric's brother


D-60 in the morning of a sunny autumn day

London, on a boat on a cute lake in the park

Victoria and Eric


D-380 very deep into the night

Victoria's bedroom in the castle

Victoria and her sister

That's still in construction obviously but I cannot tell you how much it is helping me visualize what is gonna happen. It always gets me so excited to write!

Please vote for this part and share any concerns or questions.

Until tomorrow, may you receive an unexpected gift.

Lady Light

Preptober Plans and Inspo for Victoria's mysteriesWhere stories live. Discover now