Oct 9th 23 : a little challenge

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Dear writers,

Your author is ill. My nose is runny, my throat is sore, my muscles cramped. I should probably take some rest and lay down. That is not my type. So I will publish today and everyday until the end of november. I am attached to my words.

Just for today, I will relax a bit and give you a challenge. One that I will be taking myself of course. Let's see how many minutes do you need to write the daily word count to win nanowrimo ...

For that you need to know how many days you will be writing in november (will call it N), the number of words you want to write (let's call it X). Then you need to split X words by N days and look at the result.

I will use my attempt as an exemple: I want to give myself one day of rest each week in November, every Wednesday to be exact. So that will do 30 - 5 so 25 days of writing (my N). Then I want to do the full Nanowrimo challenge this year so all 50 000 words (my X). So I will have to write 2000 words every writing day to obtain my goal.

That might seem like a lot to some and very easy to others. For me it's manageable. I know I can get that many words everywhere from an hour or two. If I had a good prepping of course. You see, it is a long race to the finish line. You kinda need a little warming up if you want to get the Nano badge.

So do the math and set aside some time to write something you already know will be in your novel. Maybe the famous beginning we spend so much time talking about. Or some character building? Anything that gets your words flowing.

That way you can see where you are in the prepping and how much time you need to give yourself each writing day. It can feel like a hassle but it is so helpful down the line. If you really want to have the best nano ever, offer you the comfort of knowing you have what it takes to go for it.

Your author will now leave you to this challenge and go back to bed. Please vote for my rapid recovery.

Until tomorrow, may you stay warm and healthy.

Lady Light

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