Oct 14th 23 : let's envision it

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Dear writers,

Today might feel a little cringe and weird. I am at an age where I sometimes want to believe anything is possible, and sometimes that I will never achieve nothing in this lifetime. I can tell you, my general mood for a week depends a lot on how many days I believe this or believe that. That's why I started to use actual tools to help my dear brain choose wisely which belief to repeat each day.

And when you have a project like winning nanowrimo, you do need some pretty strong belief. How do you create and anchor those you might ask. I will say it has a lot to do with assessing your current belief. So let's open a new blank tab or a blank sheet of paper and spend some minutes with our thoughts. Do you believe you can achieve Nanowrimo? Or write your idea from start to finish? Do you believe in the project that you have for the finished product?

Personally, I discovered I was not believing in myself at all. I felt rusty, old, already overbooked and my imagination felt dry. So I decided to change it around. I created a list of affirmations that I backed up with facts :

I already completed several Nano challenges - I can easily complete this one.

I already finished several novels - I can easily write this new idea.

I know how to get organized and disciplined - that's why I am already writing and publishing everyday.

I know that my inspiration comes from prepping - and so I am seriously prepping.

Now that may look very different for you. But keep in mind to always look at your good sides. You might have never written a story or completed a nano challenge. No big deal, I was there too in 2019 and it happened. With today technologie, the only things between us and the completion of our goals are either very easy to overcome (like my brain) or extremely hard (hard job, disease, family...).

So you need to make sure that no matter what happens, you will be proud of all the things you tried. You will be proud of all the things you achieved. You will be proud no matter what you do so when you have a new opening for writing you take it!

Also can I say, Rome didn't build itself in one day (yes I know all my metaphors are about Rome what can I do that's the way of things in the South of France). It's not about that nano or that idea, it's about your long-lasting goals. It's about being more at ease with your writing and creativity.

On that note don't forget to vote and comment.

Until tomorrow, may you see some stars.

Lady light

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