Oct 19th 23 : sweeten the tea

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Dear writers,

I am a week away from some well deserved holidays and I am so excited for them. They are like a reward for all the work I did this month. They are a perfect introduction to a very important topic: delayed satisfaction. As authors, we don't often have an immediate reward for writing (like a salary, recognition, peace of mind).

So we have to create our own purpose, our own goals, celebration, rewards. We have to be our own bosses. I would love to say that I am just happy for myself when I write. That is a big fat lie. Writing is like breathing, I do it naturally, I feel like dying if I don't, but doing it with purpose and presence ask for discipline and inner work. Both make me feel amazing (try breathing exercise at least once in your life, your lungs will thank you).

But I don't do it for the instant release, I do it for the reward. My reward is getting better. I love breathing like a normal person and not an asthmatic grandma. I love seeing my prose getting better and my story come to life. So how do I get excited to write some more? I read my old fanfictions. I love seeing the progress, the changes, the new challenges.

I also read an author I love. I won't go looking for bad things they wrote, I will just appreciate their work, being grateful I get to enjoy it and think to myself "I wish to feel that good about my stories". That way it stops being about nano or a publishing goal, it starts to be about you.

So also ... you should think about some actual reward. Like it's good to focus on your inner self gratification, now let's think about more materialistic things. I decided to give myself some furniture to build during my holiday. I want more comfort. And I just love to think that the hours I poured into those publications will give myself that boost of love when I will see my beautiful living room.

At the end of November, no matter how many words I wrote, I will gift myself a disney plus subscription. My dear master colleagues have been giving me the best recommendations. I just want to spend my December evenings snuggling in my red sofa and watching some star wars series.

I really hope you see how all those posts are about getting the most out of your writing abilities. It's not about writing the most or writing the best or writing greatly. It's about building an environment that gets you to a place where writing is effortless (as much as possible).

Until tomorrow, may you have a slice of your favorite cake.

Lady Light

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