Chapter Thirty-One - The Attack

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Word Count: 2,642 words. 

Warnings: None. 

"You stay on the ship," Din told me, placing a hand across my chest as I made to leave the bay.

I looked at him through the visor of his helmet. "No," I told him simply.

"Aria..." he tried.

"No Din, I'm not staying on the ship while you drop off the kid and figure out how the kriff we're going to pull this off. You're not leaving me behind," I argued.

Din sighed, sending a glance towards Cara. She had moved ahead towards the Ugnaught's home with the kid. The small creature stared at me as his pod pulled him further away.

I could feel it now, the connection that he had with the Force. I hadn't realised it, but after being on Maul's ship, I had opened myself back up to the Force. I could feel it again, truly feel it. I worried, more than anything. Being cut off from the Force meant that I was less likely to hurt anyone. Now... now I wasn't so sure that I wouldn't let the Sith take over again. 

"The ship needs some repairs," he attempted. "You've been gone a while."

I tilted my head. "Don't play that shit with me Din," I told him. "Miggs could do the fucking repairs."

"Miggs is dealing with the consequences of his drinking last night and I don't trust him with our ship," he explained.

I shook my head. "At least you're referring to it as our ship now."

He let out a breathy laugh. "It was always our ship. From the day you hijacked it."

"Stop trying to change the subject, and I did not hijack it," – I paused – "You can't side line me."

"Please Aria," Din added. "Just... stay on the ship."

I shook my head, hating that I was considering it. I was considering staying behind because he told me to. Kriff! "Why?"

He cast another glance behind him. "Solo..."

"Speak your mind Din," I told him harshly. "I'm sick of you being so kriffing cryptic."

Din hesitated. "I want you to stay on the ship because I don't want to risk you, alright? I just got you back, and I can't risk you getting whisked off again."

I fought a smile, nodding slowly. "I didn't expect you to be honest."

"I have an issue with honesty."

"No, you have an issue with acceptance Din."

"Please Aria."

I hesitated before nodding. "Fine, but be nice to the Ugnaught, he might be doing us a favour."

Din only nodded in response, turning away and making for the small creature's home. I took a small breath before heading back into the ship. Din had mentioned repairs and the cockpit seemed like the best place to start.


"Haar'chak!" I cursed, recoiling my hand from the control panel. I tried to shake the pain from my hand, scolding myself for being too lazy to turn off the connection before opening it up.

"Trying to fry your brain?" Miggs' voice asked.

I turned slightly watching as he leaned himself against the doorframe before stumbling into the co-pilot seat. "Says the man who drank our entire stock last night."

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