Chapter Ten - Jawas

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25 years ago...

It was all coming down around us. The entire city. They had attacked in the middle of the night. With no warning. My mother had pulled me from my bed, her eyes wide in fear as she whisked me from the comfort of my sheets and through the halls of our home.

She had been screaming at my aunt. Red in the face with anger. Something about betrayal, but I wasn't listening, I was too focused on the fire blazing outside the window. I remembered everything that happened that night. I remembered it all.

"Keep your head down!" my father had screamed at me, blaster shots ringing in my ears.

He had one hand on the wheel of the speeder and the other pushing my body close to his, head bowing. From the limited vision I had, I could see him head turn forward and back as he drove. His expression was frantic.

"Where's Mama?!" I screamed.

"Be brave ad'ika (little one)," he told me.

The speeder jolted and I let out a scream. "Papa!"

"Shhh," he shushed me. "It'll be okay, we're nearly there."

I was crying. I remembered that. I only stopped when something hit the speeder from underneath us, the machine toppling to the side.

"Ahh! I screamed.



I shot up, breath ragged. Quickly looking around me, I found that I was surrounded by sand. It was a memory. It was just a memory.

Bringing a hand up to my face, I ran a hand through my hair as I tried to calm my breathing. "It was just a memory."

"Are you alright?" a voice asked me.

Turning my head, I found that Mando sat on a log next to me. a fire blared to my left and I pulled myself to my feet. I hated fire.

"Bad dream," I explained quickly.

The bounty hunter winced, my eyes shooting to look at him. He was trying to heal a wound on his arm.

"What happened to you?" I asked frantically, rushing to his side and settling on the same log as him.

"I got attacked."

"Back at the camp?" I questioned, taking his arm in mine and tilting it so that I could get a better look at the wound.

Mando shook his head. "On the way here."

I looked at him. "How long was I out?"

"A day."

"Haar'chak," I cursed silently. "Why did you wake me up?"

"I couldn't," he admitted, voice quivering slightly as I pressed on the wound. "You wouldn't wake up."

His eyes met mine. I couldn't see them, but I knew they were watching mine. It was a feeling. One I didn't particularly like.

"I'm going to try and Force heal this," I told him. "It might feel weird."

"What kind of weird?"

"A tingle."

"A tin –"

I pushed my power through to my hands, doing what I could to knit together the stitches of his skin. Then man gasped lightly but gave no further protest.

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