Chapter Twenty-Nine - Reunited

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Word Count: 4,172 words. 

Warnings: It's a long one. 

The next time I woke was when Moff Gideon took me by the scruff of my neck, dragging me from the chair I had been in and out of the room.

I struggled against him as harshly as I could, but my hands were still bound behind my back. He had taken the restraints from my legs, enough for me to walk, but I didn't entirely see the point in that. He had taken me so abruptly that there was no window of time for me to get onto my feet.

I wasn't sure how long I had been there. On that ship. It stayed in space, and so I had no way to tell how time passed. It had been days, that I knew at least. The hours I had spent waiting for someone to walk through the doors of the cell had to be more than a day.

"Stop moving!" Gideon warned me, throwing my body forward.

With no hands to catch my fall, my face hit the ground harshly and I groaned in pain. I tried to bring my knees up to get to my feet, but I was kicked in the side before I could.

The force that Moff Gideon hit me with winded me, causing me to cough harshly against the ground. He pulled at my hair, dragging me to sit on the backs of my heels.

"Why do you insist on fighting?" he asked, gritting his teeth.

I licked my lips before spitting at him. He flinched. "Fuck you."

Gideon wiped his gloved hand over his face before pushing me again. My nose hit the ground hard, and I could have sworn that I heard it crack.

"Moff Gideon!" another voice shouted.

The pain that had emerged from my face meant nothing now. It was a dull ache that had no importance anymore. Not when I could hear him. Not when his voice shouted. "Maul..." I breathed.

"Bring her here, Gideon."

The man behind me took me by the shoulders this time, making sure that I could stand before leading me closer. He pushed me into a darkened room with no source of light.

The door that he had led me through closed quickly and listening for the tyrants footsteps, I found none. He hadn't come in with me.

Using what strength I had, I struggled at the binds around my wrists, feeling the burn of the rope but forcing myself not to care enough. I could work through the pain, it wasn't a foreign feeling.

"I taught you that," he told me.

That was when I froze, all thoughts of escaping or even freeing myself gone. The room was pitch black, not a single source of light to identify any markers, but I didn't need to see his face to know who it was.

"To fight through the pain. To ignore it. Pain is how you get through life, I believe is what I used to say, is it not?"

I straightened, placing myself in a confident posture. I knew that I couldn't see him and I was certain that he knew that as well, but even if he himself was left in darkness, he could surely feel me. Feel the fear and the hesitance. The pain in my body.

"What are you going to do to me?" I asked then, the memories of torture by his hand resurfacing. I didn't want to feel that pain again. I refused to be subjected to that once more.

"All I want," Maul began. I could almost see his swift figure moving across the room, "is you."

My throat tightened. "Well... you have me. Now what?"

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