Chapter Twenty-Two - Toro Calican

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Word Count: 1,570 words. 

Warnings: None. 

I made straight for the landing dock. There was nowhere else I thought to go. Although I had spent years of my life on Tatooine, there was no one I truly trusted in the town to go to in that very moment. Only to the ship. To Din.

Doing what I could to hide my injury, I could feel the exhaustion begin to take effect as I entered the circular space. The jacket I wore hid most of the blood but it was all over my hands and if you stopped to watch for long enough, you would surely see some of it drop onto the sand. I had left a trail in my wake.

Leaning against the wall of the dock, I pushed myself inside. I hadn't expected what I found. Toro was holding Peli at gunpoint, the kid in his other arm. Mando stood across from him, blaster raised.

"What the fuck are you doing Calican?" I spoke up, alerting the two of them to my entrance.

"Welcome back Solo," he greeted, pressing the blaster harder into the older woman's back. "Or should I call you Karishma?"

I let out a breath, wincing slightly. "Haven't been called that in a long time."

Sending a quick glance to Mando, I noticed his gaze already on me. I knew that he had noticed the wince.

"Shand told me all about the bounty on your head," he explained, "before I killed her."

I inhaled, taking a small, limping step forward. "Put the blaster down Toro."

"No," he put simply. "Mando, put your blaster down or I shoot her." He pushed Peli away from him before turning the blaster on me instead.

"Don't do it Mando, he won't shoot," I told him.

"You think so?" he posed before turning his gaze to my partner. "Want to risk it?"

The Mandalorian's gaze didn't turn to mine as he put his blaster on the ground and kicked it over to Calican. The boy looked at me.

"Your weapons too," he ordered.

"I don't have any on me," I lied. "Asshole that did this," – I pulled back my jacket and showed him the blood – "took them."

He cringed. "That's rough. Now, I'm going to kill you." His hand tightened on the trigger.

I could see Mando readying to rush him but I silently shook my head at him. "The bounty is worth more if I'm alive."

"Oh I don't give a kriff about the bounty anymore," he told me. "You killed my brother."

I shook my head. "Tuscan's killed him."

"No," he put sternly. "He died a long time before that. You left."

"He knew that I wasn't one to stick around."

"He loved you!" he shouted. "Kriff, I loved you and you left!"

"Is that what this is about?" I posed. "He suffered a little heartbreak and so you're going to kill me?"

"He'd be alive if you were here," he explained.

"You don't know that."

"But instead," he continued, "you left him. For him!" He pointed the blaster at Mando for a moment before returning it to me. "Do you love him?"

"Put the blaster down," I urged.

"Answer the question."

"Put the blaster down and we can laugh about this over a drink," I suggested.

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