Chapter Twenty-Eight - Imprisoned

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Word Count: 1,911 words. 

Warnings: None. 

5 BBY...

I was learning. Finding the best ways to stay under the radar and away from the Empire. Away from him. The planets on the Outer Rim were the best place to be. Although not completely safe, it wasn't as populated as those closer to the Galactic Empire. I needed a ship. Local transport was getting dangerous, especially now that they had troopers searching the cabins for me. I knew that Maul was going to want me back, but I had hoped that he might give up eventually. It seemed that that wasn't the case.

Tatooine was the safest place I could find so far. It was a hub for criminals, smugglers, bounty hunters and anything that had a pulse that didn't follow the rules of the Empire.

Sat in the back corner of the room with a small glass in my hand, I sipped the casual drink I had ordered. A Tatooine special, apparently, and one that I found myself quite accustomed to. I stayed in the shadows, watching and listening – a trait that Maul had taught me – and simply waiting for the best opportunity to reveal itself. I was starting to think that that opportunity would never come.

"Look, I'll get Jabba his money," a man's voice, one that I didn't recognise began.

My attention turned away from the rest of the catana, leaning back in my chair so that my face was covered. I watched the exchange.

"He wants his money now Solo," a different voice, female replied. Her tone was stern but from the posture of the man she spoke to, I could tell that he wasn't affected by it.

"The smuggling business is slow," Solo explained, leaning his arms against the table and watching the woman with a smile. "Jabba can't expect me to pay it all back so quickly."

I perked a brow at his attitude. He was trying to charm his way out of it. I had heard of Jabba. Jabba the Hutt, if I was remembering correctly. He was a crime lord here on Tatooine, has the entirely of the planet in his pocket. He was not a man that you wanted to owe money to.

"You have three weeks to pay it all back or we will come for your collateral." I recognised the accent of the woman. Ryloth. She was a Twi'lek and I assumed one of Jabba's slaves. The authority that she spoke with however, told me that she was higher than most in his ranks.

"You'll have it," Solo assured, settling back into his chair, or rather the booth his sat in.

The Twi'lek stood up, her yellow skin now in view of me as she left the catana. I watched Solo sighed, resting a hand against his mouth.

Without wasting a second, I moved from my position, taking the drink with me and sitting down in front of the smuggler. He froze, eyes turning up to look at the stranger that now sat across from him.

"What do you want?" he asked.

Smiling, I held out my hand across the table. "Aria," I introduced.

He dropped his hand, clearly interested. "Aria what?"

I shook my head. "Don't have a second name."

"Everyone has a second name," Solo muttered, "Which means that the name you just gave me is fake too."

I dropped my hand, taking a sip of the drink I had brought with me. "I'm running from something."

"I have no interest in stowaways kid," he told me, turning to leave.

But three steps away from the table, he turned as I spoke again. "I can help you get the money you need to pay off Jabba."

His eyes met mine. "How did you –"

Darasuum // Din Djarin Mandalorian ♠️Where stories live. Discover now