Chapter Twenty-Six - The Cruiser

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Word Count: 2,350 words. 

Warnings: None. 

Taking a seat beside Mayfield in the hanger, I kept my hand on the hilt of my saber. I wasn't sure why that was the first weapon I went for, my blaster was easier to access, but I felt safer with my father's weapon in my grip.

"I'm sorry," Miggs apologised quietly.

I turned my gaze slightly as the ship lifted into the air. Din had told me that he was going to watch Zero in the cockpit, make sure that he didn't do anything to mess with the controls before we get to hyperspace.

"Kriff Mayfield," I sighed, eyes glancing to Burg who paced impatiently across the hanger. Xi'an sat on my far left, fiddling with a dagger. "Breaking a murderer out of a New Republic transport?"

"It's money Kar," he tried. "The same reason you're here."

I knew that he was right. If we hadn't have needed the money that this job was giving us, I would have bailed. I hoped that Din would support me and not take it on, but since getting here, hearing things about him that I hadn't known before, I wasn't so sure that I knew him anymore. I tried to remind myself that we had had a stern no questions policy until very recently and that his past didn't matter, but of course it did. As did mine.

"Will you sit down?" Xi'an asked, frustrated. It was clear that she was talking to Burg.

He huffed in frustration, moving away from her and approaching the control pad beside the ladder. I stood up quickly.

"Hey," I warned. "Don't touch that." My eyes glanced at the small doors that hid the kid from the rest of the room. If he hit the wrong button, he'd open it.

"Why?" he asked, taking a step towards me.

I didn't move, hand tightening around the hilt of my weapon. "It's not yours."

"Okay, okay, can we cool it?" Mayfield spoke up.

"What are you hiding?" Burg asked, leaning his head closer.

I only mimicked his movements. "What are you looking for?"

"Step away," Din's voice joined the conversation, and I could hear the threat in his tone. He had made it down the ladder from the cockpit and now stood behind the large, red-skinned, man, blaster raised.

I shook my head at him gently, trying what I could to tell him to put it down. I could see the hesitation in his grip as Burg turned to look at the Mandalorian.

"Okay, okay, I get it," Miggs tried, now standing. "I'm a little particular about my personal space too." It was clear that he was addressing all three of us. "So, let's just do this job. We get in, we get out, and you don't have to see our faces anymore."

I knew that Mayfield was trying his best to diffuse the situation and although that may work out for Burg, I could see that his words were having little affect on Din.

"Mando," I muttered, and I could have sworn that his eyes flickered towards me. "Put it down."

Slowly, he placed his blaster back into the holster. Burg moved around me, taking a seat across from Mayfield who was quick to sit himself back down. I turned around, carefully backing up to stand beside Din.

"Someone tell me why we even need a Mandalorian and his pet," Burb began.

I anticipated the step forward that Mando took, quickly grabbing his arm to hold him back. He hesitantly complied but I didn't let go of him. I could see Mayfield looking at me out of the corner of his eye, his fist tense. At least I knew he still cared a little for me. At least enough to be irritated by such a nickname.

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