Chapter Twenty Three - Old Friends

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Word Count: 2,487 words. 

Warnings: None. 

Three years ago...

It was safe to say that the first mission I went on with the Mandalorian was less than successful. I wouldn't call it a mission either but we were trying to trach down a bounty. A man that was being awfully annoying about coming in.

"Look!" I shouted over the ridge. "If you'd just come down so we can talk –"

"No!" the man shouted, pulling the trigger, the blaster shot hitting the large rock Mando and I were currently hidden behind. "You're going to kill me!"

"We're not going to kill you!" Mando shouted.

"I might rethink that wanted alive part in a minute if he doing stop shooting at me!" I spoke softly as I began the sentence, letting it gradually becoming louder until I was shouting at the end.

I turned to the Bounty Hunter beside me. "What?" I questioned.

"You're the one that wanted to tag along," he explained, tilting upwards to shoot at the man.

"You're the one that picked up a bounty before getting me away from Tatooine," I argued, moving around the side of the rock to throw my own shot.

"I got you away from Tatooine," he told me.

I scoffed. "You brought me to the closest planet in the system."

"Yes," he muttered, turning to look at me for a moment. "Not Tatooine. Like I said."

Letting out a frustrated groan, I shook my head. "What part of I'm on the run did you not understand tough guy?"

He pointed a finger at me. "You told me you weren't on the run."

"I never said that," I told him sternly, the two of us simultaneously lifting our heads to shoot at the bounty before returning to cover. "I said that I wouldn't be killed or imprisoned, not that I wasn't running."

"It's the same thing," he argued.

"Oh," I laughed, "I'm going to strangle you."

"Be my guest."


I laughed at the memory, sitting in the cockpit of the Razor Crest. What a day.

"What's so funny?" Mando asked me from the pilot's seat.

Turning to look at him, I shook my head. "I was just thinking of the first bounty we ran together."

He flicked a switch above him. "The man who had us pinned behind a rock? Why that one?"

"You hated me," I muttered.

"You wanted to strangle me," he retaliated.

"I could have if I wanted to, but I didn't know this ship well enough to fly it myself yet," I explained.

"Whatever you say Solo."

It had been a couple of days since the incident on Tatooine. I had to admit that it was strange how quickly things returned to how they were before, but I was thankful for that. The wound on my side was almost completely healed and the one on my wrist was now a distant scar. Things were starting to feel normal again. Well, as normal as they could for three people on the run, all with competing bounties on their heads.

"So, who are these people again?" I asked as we approached a large space base.

"Old friends," he replied, slowing our speed so that we could get into the landing bay a little easier.

Darasuum // Din Djarin Mandalorian ♠️Where stories live. Discover now