OG! Wally x Reader

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Wally knocked at your door and a few moments later, you opened it. You look down seeing wally, his laces on his shoe were not tied- how did he not slipped?!

"W-wally-... Your shoes not tied" You said as wally spoke "I know.. Thats the reason why i came here for you to teach me" Wally said. You stared at him a bit shock- you were actually doing something but decided to against it.

you cant resist his cuteness anyways.

You let him in as Wally put his shoe on the table and ready to listen to you as you started teaching him how to do it.

After a few minutes you then noticed that he had been staring at you. Is he even listening-? "Are you even listening wally-?" "What?" He said, as you sigh. This is gonna take long-.

After a few hours of trying for wally to listen. He finally did it. You celebrate a bit cause it was now 4pm.

Then wally have to go and you let him.

Later then. He camed back cause he forgot how to do it again-

You facepalm to yourself and sighed from frustration. 'WHY CANT BARNABY DO IT?!'

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