chapter 28 - forever mine

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a/n: double update 🙏


Sunghoon's sobs resonated throughout the room, his heartache palpable as he clutched the letter tightly against his chest, embracing it as if it were a physical embodiment of his beloved Sunoo. Tears cascaded down his cheeks in a ceaseless stream, his entire being trembling under the weight of his emotions.

As he reminisced, a wave of memories he had forged with Sunoo came rushing back to him. It all began when they first crossed paths in the group chat, the very platform that had paved the way for countless romantic connections and lifelong friendships.

If Sunghoon had been more punctual and had known that Sunoo resided in the same apartment building as him, being his neighbor, would the situation have unfolded differently? Would Sunoo still be engaged if Sunghoon had been the one to initiate a romantic pursuit towards Sunoo before anyone else?

Tears streamed down his face as he curled up, pulling his knees towards his chest and clutching the letter tightly in his embrace. Sunghoon's keen eyes caught sight of several tear stains that had dried upon the paper.

As Sunoo sat down to write the letter, Sunghoon was acutely aware of the pain Sunoo was inflicting upon himself. The agony he experienced seemed to intensify with every stroke of the pen, each word etching deeper into his soul. It was as if his own heart was being crushed, mirroring the anguish that consumed Sunoo's being.

Sunoo was presently situated at the airport, making preparations for his imminent journey to London. However, a deep pang of unease gripped his heart, as he pondered whether or not Sunghoon had managed to peruse the heartfelt letter he had written.

He deliberately chose a white envelope, solely based on the fact that Sunghoon had a strong preference for the color white.

When he sat down to write the letter, tears streaming down his face, he couldn't help but notice the puffiness and redness that had overtaken his eyes. In an attempt to conceal his emotional turmoil, he decided to don a cap, hoping it would provide a shield from prying eyes.

He absentmindedly fiddled with the delicate bracelet adorning his wrist, a constant reminder of the love and support he desperately needed in that moment. Taking a deep, shaky breath, he tried to steady himself, knowing that this letter would be the last time Sunghoon hear anything from him.

The sole item that Sunoo did not return to him was the bracelet that they both owned. Since Sunoo was the one who initially purchased it, he was entitled to retain ownership of it.

Sunoo pondered whether or not Sunghoon was still awake, consumed by thoughts of him.

Sunghoon was without a doubt wide awake, his mind consumed with thoughts of Sunoo, causing tears to stream down his face.

If Sunghoon had chosen to remain with Sunoo and give him the opportunity to explain, could the same outcome have occurred? If Sunghoon had been by Sunoo's side, he might have been able to avoid this chaotic situation and prevent Sunoo from making the decision to fly to London.

Sunghoon was overwhelmed with guilt as he found himself holding the crumpled letter, its condition a result of his tight embrace and the tears that had fallen upon it.

Despite Sunghoon's efforts to catch up to Sunoo at the airport, he unfortunately failed due to unforeseen circumstances. Astonishingly, he found himself hospitalized, unable to pursue his mission.

One can't help but wonder, had he not allowed himself to be stabbed by that mysterious individual, would he have been able to sprint towards the airport in a desperate attempt to intercept Sunoo? The question lingers, leaving him to ponder the potential outcome that could have transpired.

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