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I tried finding Cato.

When Baria said he was busy she meant it.

He still missed meals, I tried going to his room, he was never there, I couldn't ask Priya.. she was still mad. I couldn't bring myself to go to their table and ask, as cowardly as it sounds.

My only company had been Baria and the nurses giving me shots to reverse some of the effects. It's been working, though they make me sleep alot more just like when I had the flashbacks back in two.

I decided today would need to be the day, it was Finnick's and Annie's wedding. When Annie told me I thought it wouldn't be for a couple months yet if not weeks.

Not days.

Baria came in last week for our daily tapes peeved. Somehow Cato found out or calculated I wasn't where I should've been in the tapes so he had a ' chat' with Enobaria. Somehow he still finds the time to check on me.

I also found out our team along with the remaining victors needed to be part of the wedding, or at least seen. Meaning front row, in every shot, dancing, pretending like we like it here.

As Coin said, ' Give them hope, we've been doing good with hope.'

Now we all sit in chairs as Koa comes in with a big box of supplies, she needs to do all the girls makeup for the occasion. Annie being first.

She didn't want much makeup, Koa didn't like the idea of simplicity but she did the job. She looked stunning.

" Why are we even getting dressed up for this?!" I shrill comes from one of the other doors.

I chuckle, I missed hearing her counteracting voice.

" Shut the hell up Johanna and come on." Evangeline snaps, pulling Johanna in with her. That's quite the pair.

" This is horseshit." Johanna grumbles.

" Thank for getting her." Baria grins.

Johanna sends her a death glare, sitting right next to her. I heard her head was shaved but I never saw her.

Now it was a shorter length, she's not as scared of water anymore. She can take sponge baths now.

She pauses looking at everyone, " I still look like shit huh?"

" All of us look like shit."

She looks over at me, her small cat like grin reappears " Nice you see you again Musak."

" You too Mason."

" Alrighty! One by one I'll be doing you guys!" Koa announces, " Now hurry! It takes time to make you all beautiful!"

A little while later all the makeup was on, Koa thought we'd get dresses to.. luckily not.

" We have the textile district but yet we can't even get new clothes!" Koa yells looking over are same jumpsuits. " Good thing they had enough sense to get something for Annie and Finnick!"

Koa looks all of us over, making sure we were camera ready. " You all look magnificent! I want you dancing with all the men tonight!" She proclaims. " Well, come come! We have a wedding to attend, Coin has been setting everything up for the past week!"

I wonder if Annie will even like it?

Baria was talking to Johanna, 12 was together , then it was Priya and Macy who was looking at me.

I guess it's not or never. I swallow making my way to the two who watched carefully. " Hi." I smile.

" You look nice." Macy says softly.

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