Ch 12. The Calm & The Storm.

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Dani paced the Chateau, trying to decide what exactly to do. She could seek out Sarah or Kie, talk to them about their perspective of the reunion party. That was a compelling option, especially considering she hadn't had a moment to talk to Kiara in days. In fact, Dani hadn't had a chance to talk to Kie since they had tried to steal the cross from the train. There lay a task that needed completing.

Yet, Dani was anxious. She couldn't do much but think about the absolutely terrible plan JJ had concocted. It must have been bad, likely illegal, there was no other reason Dani could determine that would prompt him to leave her at home. Even in the past, when JJ tried to keep Dani out of harm's way, she was still there, still capable of making her own decisions.

Dani's existential crisis was relatively short-lived. Only about an hour-and-a-half, maybe two passed before JJ Maybank slunk through the screen door of the Chateau.

Dani bolted up from the spot she claimed on the couch, instantly noticing the grim look set upon JJ's face. "What happened?"

"Shoupe. Tracking device on the Twinkie. John B's in custody."

"Shit. Topper?"


Silence fell between the teens and Dani noticed for the first time how exhausted JJ looked. He was constantly doing, trying any bad idea that came to mind in hopes that something may work out for him. For all the times JJ called the small girl selfless, it was her turn to repay the favor.

Dani took a step forward, inching closer to where JJ still stood at the door. "Thank you."

JJ's eyebrows drew together. "For what?"

"For trying. For keeping me out of harm's way. For sacrificing yourself and doing whatever you can to help your friends. I still can't really determine what reasons you had for keeping me here but I know that at the end of the day, it's because you care. You've called me selfless, but I really think it's me who should be saying that to you."

JJ shifted his gaze away from Dani, an unreadable expression crossing his face. "Mike wanted me to run drugs up the island."


"Incredibly illegal behavior."

"I see."

"We were only supposed to unload them from the plane onto the truck, but that ass changed his mind and decided we were expendable enough to run 'em too."

"I'm sorry, J."

"You're sorry? Why exactly are you sorry?"


"We lost the truck. John B and I. We got the cops on our tail and ditched the U-Haul in the middle of the road, ran like hell back to the Twinkie where Shoupe was waiting to bring John B in. So not only were the cops on us but now John B is in jail for something completely unrelated to Barracuda Mike, who, by the way, lost several, SEVERAL, pounds of hardcore drugs and will now be tracking us down for the fuck up. And you're here apologizing? I'm the one who let you get dragged into this mess. I'm the one who let John B down."

Dani sighed, taking another step closer to JJ. "This is exactly what I mean. I could've stopped you or I could've gone with you. I do happen to be my own person with autonomy, so this isn't all on you, JJ. You're risking everything to try and get to South America. That's selfless. A little reckless? Sure, but undeniably selfless."

JJ stepped forward, closing the distance between himself and Dani. The blonde dropped his voice into an alluring whisper, "I really don't deserve you in my life, Burton."

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