Ch 5. Homecoming.

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Dani didn't quite know what to do with herself. The moment she stepped foot in the Outer Banks was chaos in her brain. Rafe instantly jumped into action, hauling himself into Tannyhill and making it feel like home once more. And not only did Rafe make himself at home, but he instantly turned into the stereotypical Cameron businessman, engaging his father in some terse phone conversation about the cross.

Dani couldn't complain, the boy had hardly spoken three words to her, only talking when necessary. Their mutual ignorance was mutual bliss.

However, all good things would likely end. Dani didn't expect the silent treatment to last forever, especially when she found her friends again. That is, if the pogues had made it back to the Outer Banks. Rafe had only mentioned that he saw them in Barbados, there were a lot of ifs to consider.

For now, it didn't matter, Dani took the opportunity to slip into her old, well, really the spare, bedroom in the Cameron house. It was the room she had claimed as hers all the times she stayed the night before. It felt different, obviously, but it was still familiar, enough to be home.

Dani easily pulled a small suitcase into the room. The only things she owned were the few items Rose had picked up for her in Guadalupe. Eventually, Dani would need to go home, or snoop in Sarah's room, but for now, her small amount of possessions would do. The anxieties riddling her brain were too much for her. If Dani sought out the normal comforts of home, it quite possibly would break her. She wasn't ready to face the possibles, the disappointments or joys, that awaited her.

Dani hid in Tannyhill for a solid twelve hours. She made barely any sound, sneaking around the kitchen so quietly that even Rafe had to continuously remind himself the girl was there.

Finally, when the morning rolled around, and Dani had gotten enough sleep to feel prepared, she took off. It was easy, slipping from the large acreage of Tannyhill without being noticed. Dani didn't forget her bargain though, shooting Rafe a quick text that she was going home.

Dani walked the short distance to her house, instantly noticing the two cars parked along the horseshoe driveway. Dani's car sat in front of the house, still banged up and basically destroyed from Pope's loss of control. Most surprisingly, however, was the car sitting right in front of Dani's, Rick Burton's silver Cadillac.

Dani had checked the time before she left, 8:23 a.m. She knew there was no avoiding her father, he was up at 7:30 sharp, every morning, and if his car was in the driveway...

Dani took a deep breath as she closed the short distance to the front door, hesitantly approaching the inevitable. She knocked three times, waiting for her father's face to appear before her own.

Rick Burton opened the door, a menacing scowl already prepared on his lips. But at the sight of Dani, the man shockingly dropped all looks of discontent and malice. Instead, an emotion almost keen to happiness lit the man's face. In another world, Dani would think her father was relieved to see her.

Dani's voice caught in her throat. Damn, she missed her home. "Dad?"

"Danielle?" Rick's voice was similar to Dani's, a bit strangled, filled with emotion, but trying desperately not to be.

Dani swallowed the lump, fighting the natural urge to hug her father. "Dad. I'm so sorry I haven't called. It's a bit of a long story, but, I am in love. I don't know if you ever even knew in the first place, but Rafe and I broke up this summer. Fortunately, though, we've had a lot of time to think, mainly by deciding to run away together on a little lover's retreat. It's just been... so refreshing. A new life perspective. Of course, that doesn't negate all the shit I put you through... with the car and the whole disappearing without a trace. But. I want to formally apologize, and hopefully, you may consider letting it all slide. Can we, maybe, uh... start over?"

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