Ch 10. JJ and A Stupid Plan? No Way.

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The morning sun was ungodly bright. It shone through Dani's window with the full force of a nuclear blast. Dani groaned slightly, rolling to her side as she tried to hide from the sun. She was absolutely exhausted and for the first several minutes of her day was significantly concerned and confused as to why. She did however come to the realization that she had barely gotten any sleep thanks to JJ and his incessant need to talk all the time. Dani rolled over again, this time accepting the fact that she was awake and the sun was not going away. A light smile played over her lips. She couldn't deny that she and JJ were actually friends now. With a sigh, Dani threw the blankets off of her, deciding that the best use of her day would be to actually start it

Dani flew through her house like a fairy. From the bathroom to the kitchen, a trail of completed chores and daily duties followed her.

Dani made a small pot of coffee, enough for her to either have two cups or for her and JJ to each have one, she didn't actually know if JJ was a coffee drinker. When the pot was done brewing, she took a mug from the cabinet, filling it with just coffee. The day held too much unknown for Dani to let herself enjoy adding the vanilla creamer sitting in the fridge.

Dani took a couple of sips of the bitter drink, building up the courage to go wake JJ. She set the glass on the counter beside her and crept through the house. She arrived at the guest room door, knocking gently in case JJ was awake. After what seemed like a solid minute, Dani opened the door slowly. She peeked her head in to see that the room was dark and still, then decided that she should just open the door all the way.

Dani entered, noting the way that the sun didn't hit this side of the house, leaving the room to be encompassed by the dark. She walked to the side of the bed where JJ still slept.

Nudging JJ gently, Dani whispered, "Hey. Wake up J."

JJ's eyes opened suddenly, shocking Dani into fumbling backward and tripping over the decorative carpet. She let a shriek leave her lips as she fell to the floor.

JJ sat up, sleep still prevalent in his body, "What the hell Burton?" He asked, voice husky.

Dani pulled herself to a sitting position on the floor, staring at JJ in bewilderment, "Me? I was just trying to kindly wake you and you're the one who scared the shit out of me!"

"Well, I'm awake now."

Dani stood up quickly, "Yep. I'm uh, just gonna go back downstairs" She bolted out of the door before JJ could respond, quickly ignoring another awkward situation between the two.

It wasn't until 30 minutes later when JJ appeared in the kitchen completely ready to go that Dani realized he had been shirtless before.

The drive to the prison was mostly silent. Dani was a bundle of nerves, only able to contribute to any conversation about the plan. Fortunately, JJ caught on and decided to reign in any wandering conversation.

Dani pulled the car to a stop about a block away from the detention center, letting JJ out to approach the building alone. She watched him as he took on a persona of angst. He was acting dumb, but it was all according to their plan. The last she saw of JJ before he entered the building was an aggressively sarcastic salute to some strolling police followed by the middle finger as they walked past him.

Dani sighed, she let her head fall against the headrest behind her closing her eyes as she imagined all the dumb things JJ was about to do.

Dani didn't realize she had fallen asleep until she was awakened by a knock on her window. She checked the clock to see that it had only been 15 minutes before she turned to see JJ staring at her from the passenger window.

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