Ch 8. Interlude.

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Fun fact: Dani owned a boat. Sadly, her presence on said boat was depressing... to say the least.

Rick Burton bought Dani a Hatteras GT70 as a 15th birthday present, hoping that maybe a nice gift would make up for the years of ignorance and trauma she endured. It didn't really work, but she appreciated the gesture anyway; she had a large ass boat to enjoy... on the off chance she could be spotted there.  

Now, Dani had taken the time to take the specialized classes her father paid for, learning as much as she could bear: she simply developed an elementary sailor's vocabulary and a hardened sailor's mouth.

Dani walked along the sturdy, wooden dock, shielding her eyes as the sun reflected off the clean, white surface. She named the yacht Maria after her mother.

Dani hopped casually on the main deck, first checking the knots and the anchor, then climbing the small interior staircase to the top, uncovered deck. She reached her hand between one of the built-in couches' divides, pulled out a hidden romance novel, and, sitting on the ground, leaned up against the couch.

Something about that moment hit Dani hard. She felt like a kid again, and Dani wished nothing more than for her mother to be with her, stroking her hair, and her father standing at the bow, his forehead dripping with sweat as he held a fishing rod in the calm waters. 

It was a brief glimpse... an unrealistic image of a picture-perfect family that only existed in mind. 

A tear dripped onto Dani's book, dampening the page. It was all the girl needed, the perfect cue to shut her eyes tightly and set the unread book beside her. 

(Letting months go by between cries is not a healthy choice.)

Dani laid on her back, clenched her eyes shut tight, and enveloped herself in a hug, her small figure shaking as she was wracked with sobs. 

No one was around to hear and certainly, no one cared, so Dani let herself feel, making a mental note that she wasn't due another cry session for a while.

At some point, Dani must have fallen asleep, the sound of raindrops waking her. She instantly scrambled inside under the Maria's cover and placed her book on the empty countertop, dissatisfied. 

Dani didn't ponder, though. It didn't matter. Instead, she gathered herself, hurrying toward her house and hoping to get inside before the torrential downpour began. She barely made it before her patio turned a darker shade of gray, rainwater thoroughly coating it. 

Dani thought about the weather, regret coursing through her as she thought about the annual 'Outer Banks summer movie night.' She didn't go, though it had been a beautiful night. She knew she would have friends there, but she still would've felt alone.

Dani was forced out of her head by a knock on the door. The teen wandered curiously toward it, opening it cautiously... the Burton house rarely had visitors. 

Sarah Cameron stood motionless in the rain. Her cheeks were red, and her lips were a bit purple.

"Oh my God, Sarah, you are absolutely drenched." Dani moved quickly, letting Sarah enter the house. She beelined straight for the master bathroom on the main level, grabbing a couple of towels and passing them to the Cameron girl as the two teens met in the living room.

"Are you okay?" Dani asked the blonde, wondering why her overwhelmingly chatty friend was quiet as a mouse.

"I kissed John B," Sarah whispered. "I kissed John B... like kiss-kissed him, standing on the dock of the ferry, rain pouring all around us."

Dani's mouth fell open slightly. She took a seat beside where a still-soaked Sarah had plopped on the couch, momentarily praising her late mom's decision that leather couches were better. 

"You kissed John B? When were you even with John B?"

"Have you left your house in the past 24 hours? Dani! I've been gone to Chapel Hill! My dad thinks I've been here!"

Dani continued to look at the girl in shock, processing Sarah's words. 

(It's important to note that Dani wasn't mad at Sarah for kissing a pogue; in fact, she was happy. Dani liked her Pogue acquaintances better anyway, and she felt that if Sarah could make a change, Dani would be allowed to as well.)

"This is a lot, Sarah. You're technically still with Topper, and your brother hates John B and his friends more than I've ever seen a person hate another..." 

Sarah cut Dani off with a look of extreme disappointment. 

"Hey. Before you get all mopey on me, I want you to know that I support this relationship. I have absolutely nothing against the pogues, and in fact, I think it's dumb we're constantly in an 'us versus them' mentality. I just think you have some things to take care of before you dive in too deep."  

Sarah's face grew into a ragged smile, more genuine than she had ever seen before. The blonde pulled Dani into a hug before the brunette could protest, not caring that she was still dripping water or that Dani didn't really love hugs. 

Dani feigned disgust, and the two girls laughed, as they always did.

"OMG Dani! Did you forget what tomorrow is?" Sarah pulled away suddenly, wide eyes staring into Dani's own confused ones.



Dani groaned. She hated Midsummers. 

Every year, Dani attended the iconically kooktastic summer celebration with her parents, which started and ended in a big fight. Once Dani started going with the Camerons, all eyes were on her.

It was everything Dani hated: attention, dressing up, and conversation.

"I was thinking it was time I moved on from Midsummers. Please know that I appreciate the fact that your family has offered to take me for the past few years, but I really think it's more of a family affair, which is not something I can really just bullshit."

Sarah scoffed at Dani's excuse. "You're not missing Dani. Besides, I need an excuse to not go with Topper. Ugh, something I'm now going to have to explain to my family!" Sarah shook away the thought. "Now, let's find you a dress!" 


Who is eager for more Dani backstory? Obviously, there's something she's not saying.

<3 Lillian

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