Ch 2. John B?

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Dani woke from her spot in the Camerons' guest room casually, warmly, and completely at ease. It was a relatively common occurrence that whether the girls went out or not, Dani would crash at Sarah's house. She didn't love an empty house, and she undoubtedly hated it when her dad was home; it was a lose-lose situation. 

Dani threw the comforter off her and grabbed the crewneck sitting on the dresser. She was grateful that the backup generator was working, as the aroma of coffee filled the air, though, she did wish the air conditioner would kick on. 

(Now, it's important to note that summertime in the outer banks could be brutal... but don't let the knowingly astonishing heat stop you from recognizing that Dani made the conscious decision to start the morning in long sleeves.)

The teen tiptoed down the stairs, not wanting to wake whoever was still sleeping. 

Dani entered the kitchen to see Rose leaning over the counter, a cup of coffee in one hand and her phone in the other. "Good morning!" Dani smiled warmly, stepping around the woman to grab a mug from the cabinet and pouring herself a cup of the dark, bitter liquid.

"Good morning, Dani. How'd you sleep?" Rose Cameron didn't bother looking up from her phone. 

Dani peeked over the woman's shoulder to see that she was intensely playing one of those word games. "Fantastic as always. You must know I always appreciate your hospitality while my father's away on business."

"Oh, Danielle, it's nothing. You're like one of my own and I just can't stand to see you in that big house alone. It just wouldn't feel right." Rose finally looked up, giving Dani a genuine smile and reaching her arms out to embrace the small brunette in a hug. 

Dani wasn't much of a hugger, but she couldn't deny the woman's kindness, so she bit her lip and went to Rose's outstretched arms.

The morning was what Dani had grown used to in the Cameron house: Ward entered the kitchen disheveled, interrupting Rose and Dani's shallow, girly conversation. Dani could see the sweat dripping from the man's forehead and assumed he had been clearing out debris from the storm. Even the kook king had to get dirty from time to time. 

Rafe came down from his room soon after Ward's brief appearance and embraced Dani in a casual hug. He poured his own cup of coffee and huffed a quick goodbye as he disappeared to wherever the hell he needed to be at 9:30 a.m. 

Wheezie was next. She had obviously been awake for a while as she brought an empty plate down to the kitchen. Dani couldn't help but be slightly jealous of the way that Rose treated Wheezie. The mom reprimanded her daughter for eating in her room, but still showed her love and approval by rubbing her hair and washing her dish without complaint. 

Sarah was the last to wake, sauntering into the kitchen with the gracefulness of an elephant... the blonde was definitely not a morning person. Dani laughed at her friend's disheveled appearance, though, even then, Sarah's morning hair was straight and soft. The blonde girl barely whispered a good morning as she grabbed the coffee pot, the last drips falling into the mug Rose set out for her. 

Sarah looked at Dani with light annoyance. "You don't even live here. Why am I getting the shaft on coffee?" 

Dani laughed harder at her friend. "Maybe if you would embrace the sun a little earlier, you wouldn't get the last cup." 

Sarah just groaned as she took a seat at the counter beside Dani and plastered her forehead to the cool granite.

The rest of the day flew by, casual, normal. 

Sarah, Dani, and Wheezie holed up in Sarah's room for hours, playing various card games while talking smack about Rafe and Topper. Wheezie gave her full rundown of complaints, explaining the faults of both boys... evidently, both teens could do better romantically. 

At lunchtime, Rose called the girls down to the patio, declaring they were going to have a family lunch in the warm sun. Dani noticed that Rafe had returned and was sitting in a lounge chair, his sunglasses on and his hands clasped in his lap. 

The five Camerons and Dani sat together at the patio table, simply enjoying each other's company as they ate tiny tea sandwiches and sparkling water filled with various fruits. When they were finished with their lunch, Rafe and Ward disappeared to discuss business things, Wheezie went to her room, and Rose began clearing the table.

"Let's tan on the Druthers!" Sarah giggled carelessly, trying to avoid being roped into helping Rose clean up. 

Before Dani could agree with anything more than a smile, Sarah grabbed Dani's hand, pulling her toward the Druthers. 

Dani beelined straight to the top of the Camerons' boat to clear spots for the girls to lay, leaving Sarah to grab towels. 

It was weird, though, Sarah was taking forever. Dani knew it wasn't a difficult task; the blonde was only grabbing two towels from within the boat's cabin, not performing brain surgery. 

Dani huffed a slight breath, letting annoyance seep through and preparing herself to yell at Sarah for taking too long. However, at the sound of voices, Dani decided against actually voicing her grievance... she saved her real emotions for Sarah and Sarah alone. 

Dani quickly clamored down to the main deck. "Sarah, who are you talk..." There was a brief pause, confusion clouding the brunette girl's features. "Oh. Hey, John B. I didn't know you were working today..." 

"Filling up these tanks." The pogue lifted the last of the air tanks into his boat and focused his attention back on Sarah, completely ignoring Dani's sudden appearance and continuing whatever heated conversation he and Sarah were apparently having. "You can tell Topper he won the first round. I'll get him next time."

"So there's just gonna be a reign of terror on this island now?"

"Wars have been started for less, Sarah Cameron."

"This is stupid," Dani muttered inaudibly, simply looking between the two teens. She turned to get the towels herself, waltzing into the main cabin and deciding that if she were to actually lay out, she was going to have to prepare the area herself. 

Dani grabbed the rest of the supplies, scrambling back to the open top deck and faintly listening to the two teens continue their argument, words unclear but certainly still terse. It was a bit ridiculous; there was just simply no reason to keep fighting. Petty arguments never solved anything.

Dani stuck her head over the top deck of the Druthers, about ready to break her rules and yell at both teens to simply, shut the fuck up, but fortunately for the girl, Dani didn't have to yell at anyone. She watched with pride as Sarah flipped John B off, clearly annoying the boy as he directed the H.M.S. Pogue away from the Druthers, finally leaving Sarah and Dani to tan in peace.


Yes, I know, so ungodly short. BUT, I hope that you find the point of these chapters not to be their length but more the contextual relevance. I would feel like a clown if I just jumped in an empty pool.

<3 Lillian

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