Ch 7. Dani's Recap, Pt. 2.

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The pogues rolled into the Outer Banks the next morning, unscathed. They had somehow managed to ditch the cops and make it to the first ferry home before the sun was fully beating down on them.

Topper dropped the six teens at the Chateau with a bit of protest, but Sarah need only bat her eyes to get the annoying kook to leave them alone.

The friends walked happily through the backyard, a certain ease falling among them. Even with their dreams crushed and their hopes basically gone, there was a certain calmness the Chateau provided. The land was a safe haven for the pogues, allowing them to be completely themselves. It also helped that the Twinkie was sitting proudly in the drive.

John B's father bounced down the back steps, approaching the sounds of teen laughter. Dani noticed Big John's face held a bit of apprehension, but easily let it go at the sight of the pogues. Pope and JJ gave the man grand hugs, words of love and adoration thrown back and forth between them. Dani wracked her brain back to what Sarah had told her regarding Big John, apparently Pope, JJ, and Kie had yet to see the man since their return to the Outer Banks. Dani kept her distance, she didn't even know if the older gentleman would know who she was, and if he did... well, her last name didn't always do her favors on the Cut.

Dani's thoughts were interrupted as John B slipped through the screendoor. Her throat teased her, threatening to close at the sight of the curly-headed boy. Dani hadn't seen John B since she saved him from Rafe's beating, the catalyst that had led her to this very moment.

The boy didn't notice the small, silent teen standing at the side as he exited the house. He held a beer in his hand, watching fondly as JJ jumped onto Big John's back, messing with the old man playfully, lovingly. It was a wholesome moment.

John B's gaze swept across the yard, smiling at his dad, his brothers, his girlfriend, Cleo, Kie... Dani?

Wait. Dani?

John B dropped the beer from his hand and it clattered loudly down the wooden stairs of the back porch, landing in the grass, draining empty. His words were a mangled mess as he tried to speak, "Dani?"

Dani felt her eyes well with tears, grateful to see her friend once more. Regardless of the long-term friendships the girl had with Kiara and Sarah, John B was the first to welcome Dani into the group. He confided in the girl and didn't treat her any differently for coming from kook roots.

John B flew down the steps. He didn't wait for Dani to say anything as he threw his arms around her small frame, holding her tight.

Dani laughed in the hug, crossing her own arms around John B's back, "Man, am I glad to see you, John B."

John B's laugh was light in response, his disbelief still evident. He took a step back to observe Dani's full frame, tears glistening in the boy's eyes as he watched her with uncertainty. "You saved me and I thought... You're here? How? What?"

Dani nodded, her voice dropping slightly. "It's a long story, but yes it's me. I am alive. I'm here, you're here. All is right again." Dani ran a hand through her hair, much like JJ tended to do. "I promise I will explain, really explain, to all of you. But for now? For now, I am here to help."

John B nodded, his excitement dropping from his face. The boy lifted his gaze to where his dad stood, casually talking to Pope.

The teens and Big John only murmured to each other, their playful fun apparently interrupted by John B and Dani's reunion. John B sighed, his voice was a whisper, "I don't think there's much to help with right now."

John B guided Dani to a ring of lawn chairs by the big tree that had 'John B. P4L.' carved into it. He left his arm across the girl's shoulders, feeling as if the moment he let go, Dani would disappear.

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