Chapter 2

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Maria's POV

My heart stopped, my legs went dead. I dropped the phone and slid down the wall. I was devastated. i picked back up the phone and said

"Are you sure there's nothing you could do?" I asked breaking up.

"No ma'am. I'm so sorry for your loss. If you like, you could come see him now." He said. I muttered a quick thanks and hung up the phone. I got in my car and drove to the hospital. Once i got there i closed my car door and quickly walked in. I walked up to the front door and the doctor was there waiting for me.

"Are you here for Max?" He asked me. I nodded my head and we walked to the room where he lay. I looked at him. His once red lips were now purple and blue. his once warm hand which I used to love to hold was cold. He had stiches everywhere his hair was messed up the way he hated it so i fixed it back. I don't know why,but i expected him to wake up any second now just to tell me he's ok. It was all just a joke, a sick cruel one, but still a joke. That never happened. He just laid there. Unmoving, unbreathing. i wanted more than anything just for him to get up and hug me. But he didn't. I started to cry and sob. The doctor tried to comfort me but nothing worked. I drove home, tears constantly blurring my eyes. I ferociously wiped them from my eyes and continued driving. I burst open the door and walked in. I sat on the couch crying and thinking 'why, why!' I took up a picture of us from the table. We were smiling like idiots becausewe just found out that Max got his job. I started sobbing and sobbing. I turned on the tv and they were showing coverage on the accident Max was in. They said someone was speeding and they slid on the ice. As I was watching, relization hit me. The accident was another persons fault. They practically killed Max. Just then my heart broke into a million peices and was replaced by bitterness and hate toward people. I ran toward my cupboard and pulled out a bottle of vodka. I sat down at the table and downed the bottle in a few minuets. I drank another and another and before I knew it I had downed 6 bottles. I was slightly sober and I staggered to my bed.


I woke up with a huge head ache. I reached over for my phone to call Max when I remembered he wouldn't be picking up. I looked in my closet and grimaced at my colorful clothes. That was the old me, that me was dead. I picked out the darkest outfit I owned and did my make up. Dark black eyeliner, black lipstick and mascara. I took out all my old clothes and took them to the back yard. I threw them on the ground and lit a match. I threw it into the clothes and watched them burn. The flame looked like it would die out any second now so I added some lighter fluid. It got bigger and my clothes burned faster. I smiled at them burning. I walked inside and grabbed my car keys. I walked to my car to go shopping. I got to TJ Max and picked up dark colors. When I got to the counter the lady looked at me funny so I glared at her. She quickly looked down and checked my items. Once I was done I walked to the corner store and bought a pack of cigarets and a lighter. I walked out side at lit my cigaret. I walked to the hair salon and before walking in I quickly stomped out my cigar. I walked in to get my hair died. I would never cut it because it was the thing Max loved the most about me. I got it died black with purple streaks. Once I was done I drove home. I started packing. I was moving out to go to California for a fresh start. In about 3 hours I was done. I packed up my car and drove off.

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