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👑 N I K O L A I 👑

Nikolai slept surprisingly well that night. Might have had to do with the fact that he had gone to bed with a big smile on his lips and couldn't wait to get up the next day to see his future fiancé. The dinner last night had shown that him and Aneela were enjoying their secret courting and couldn't wait for it to become public.

After they had gotten up from the table, Nikolai had held out his hand to accompany back to her chambers. Aneela took his hand with a bright smile and stepped closer to him, seemingly looking into his soul as she stopped right in front of him. The prince had opened his mouth with a deep breath to ask her if it was alright if he could kiss her, but a knock ruined their moment, as Tamar told them that it was getting rather late – Nikolai had a very early meeting in the morning.

He accompanied Aneela to her chambers, wished her a good night and then flew to his own on a pink cloud of fulfilment. The dinner couldn't have been any better, everything with her was just great. Not even the early meeting could smack the grin off his face, but when he faced the four grim-looking Grisha in Zoya's salon, he wasn't sure if he could obtain it.

"Please let me have this one good morning," he pleaded as he sat down. "Can't we postpone those bad news?"

Tamar frowned. "How do you know we bring bad news?"

"You clearly haven't seen your faces. What happened?"

"Jana strolled by the drawing room while you and Aneela had dinner last night," Tolya reported. "When we refused her entry, she got very angry. At first, she thought Aneela was in there with Kheru and I was just being careful by not letting her in but then she heard you laugh ... I've never seen such a daggering look in someone's eyes. She immediately stopped telling me her demands, turned around on her heels and walked back to her chambers."

Nikolai rubbed over his eyes. Suddenly, he was very tired again. "That's not good ... Why didn't you tell me, yesterday?"

He shrugged apologetic. "You two were having such a good time and when my sister told you it was getting late, we could see that you were enjoying yourselves. Disturbing you was one thing but ruining your entire night by a fjerdan was another."

"We can assume that she is going to pull another stunt soon – no, today." Tamar rolled her eyes. "Would be a pretty boring day if not, right?"

"I'll be careful around her."

"Not only her," Tolya warned.

"We have to get rid of them this week, I really don't want to find out what she is construing," the Queen crossed her arms. "The torn clothes and the destroyed room are now the cherry on top!"

"We can let them go as soon as everybody votes for it," Nikolai agreed. "Or once they try to murder my future wife, which I really don't want to see play out."

"So, you have officially decided?"

He nodded right away. "I am ninety-nine percent sure that her and I are going to make a great couple and support Ravka in the best way we can."

Zoya crooked an eyebrow, concerned. "Why not a hundred?"

"I believe she is still unsure about some things that would come with a marriage." He looked over to her. "And I won't do anything until I don't know if she even wants me to fix it, I'm not keen to trap her in something."

"You want me to talk to her?" She asked with a peaceful smile on her lips.

She knows how much this means to me. How much Aneela means to me. And she wants me to be happy.

"That would be kind of you, Queen Zoya."

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