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👑 N I K O L A I 👑

Zoya had been the one suggesting the walk around the lake. And not because of the romantic atmosphere. It was to test the bachelorettes abilities to remain classy and elegant even when they were doing something unpleasant - like walking for two hours in the bright sun in uncomfortable clothing and high heels while making polite conversation with the man they hoped to marry in a few months. They had to keep their countenance and act like nothing was bothering them. Nikolai could sense not all women were excited for the activity as their group spread along the paddled path.

He had started his walk with Brigitta Schenck - of course - but found her act of the young and uneducated woman to be foul just after a few minutes. She had once again taken herself out of the group and took him away without even blinking an eye towards the other attendees; she pulled him out of conversations when convenient as well, just because she was bored and got jealous the longer he talked to somebody. And the way she always pitches her voice to appear sweeter makes my ears bleed.

His wife had to be selfless at times to put others first and wasn't to be interruptive and selfish only to serve her own interests. She would be an important figure with the economic and political aspects and had to observe before acting without a second thought about how her behaviour might look. I'm not sure if this would work out between Brigitta and I.

In contrast to her, that was everything Josefine Linsch would talk about. How it was best to act during this unusual setting and how the other attendees were making mistakes in that; she was handing out hits against Aneela in her monologue and reminded him multiple times that the zemini appeared to play a false game before she chipperly announced that she saw a fish and asked Nikolai to hold her hand while she got closer to the water to see it. You're the one to talk.

Her switches between being the sweet and innocent girl that wishes for her fairytale Prince to come and save her from the cruel world to the serious and sly woman that knew exactly what she wanted and how to get it became more frequent. And it is aggravating as hell. One had many personalities around certain people, but he couldn't condone her only dipping into fake personas all the time; the Princess of Ravka should be authentic and not try to manipulate her ways through things.

When he talked to Jana Maelstrom, the cut to the fjerdan's icy personalities were quite drastic. Instead of trying to wrap him around her finger with innocent eye bats, honey-like giggles, asking him for help with minor things and sweettalking herself while down talking the other ladies, Jana's approach was more ... destructive. Is she trying to threaten me into a marriage?

She went on about how Ravka needed a strong front that showed the other country how stable it was and that a new government body would gain all the control back he as King once had. The hint made it clear to him how she wanted the Grisha Triumvirate stripped from their powers and letting them rot in the dungeon. There is no way I'm going to marry somebody who is against Grisha. How could he? All of his friends practiced the small science, and he clearly wouldn't want his wife to dehumanize them or even actively go against them with fjerdan traditions like the witch hunt.

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