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🧵 G E N Y A 🧵

To say Genya enjoyed the courting season was an understatement - she loved it. Zoya had put her in charge with everything and for her, it was a dream come true to plan such a big event with this many facades to it. And what is not to love? The wonderful ladies, the beautiful dresses, the fun activities, the gossip and chatter, the underlining rivalry ...

It was like a good-told story that was playing itself out in front of her eyes. And it shifted the focus from the more draining topics like the economics of their country and the political instability that was still dragging them down. Nikolai's marriage would solve their problems to a degree, taking a meaningful step into the right direction to restore Ravka and give its people hope for the future.

But Nikolai was a romantic person, he would do anything for his country, but he also followed his heart. Even if he would deny it, Genya was sure he would let his heart choose over his head. And the big question is: Who's with his heart and who's with his head?

She passed through the Queen's wing, excited to hear how the rest of the picknick went. Unfortunately, she was called away mid-way through because she had been needed in the Little Palace. Did I miss a lot? Some drama? Some progress with a certain lady?

When she entered Zoya's salon, the wobbly voice of the Princess of Shu Han greeted her: "How many times do I need to repeat myself? I'm really sorry and you weren't even supposed to know!"

"What are you going to do if this all fails? You are putting yourself and Aneela in danger!" The Prince of Ravka fired back. "If you had said something from the start, we could have worked something out! What if your entourage already knows and told Makhi? What if we're all in danger now?"

Kheru was welling up as she shook her head with anger. "I was careful, they have no idea. The only people that know are Aneela, Yaniya and their father who are kind enough to take me in while I literally escape from my family and my home country - so do not think that I haven't been thinking about consequences and potential threats with the people that I involve!"

Genya frowned and looked around. The only person seated was Zoya, who was obviously not having any of the fight that was going on. The Yul-Bataar twins remained in the back of the room but followed what was happening closely. Tolya seemed upset and worried while Tamar wasn't sure if to engage or let this play out on its own.

"What is going on?"

Nikolai spun around to her. "Kheru asked Aneela to smuggle her to Novyi Zem after the courting season is over! And Aneela out of all people agreed to this nonsense!"

The shu pointed her finger at him. "Do NOT let this out on Aneela! All of this is my fault, so don't be crossed with her."

"Well, I am angry at her! She is supposed to be in it for me and yet decided to do something dangerous that could possibly put me in a difficult situation!"

"It's not always about you, my prince." Kheru swallowed hard and tried to blink her tears away. "And I am sorry that I came here with such a burden but when the invitation came, Ehri saw it as a chance to safe me!" She couldn't hold them back anymore and let them run over her cheek as the sadness shook her body. "She's afraid that Makhi will do something bad and to come here was the only shot I got to get away from her! And I just left Ehri there, alone with her!"

"Princess ..." Tolya made a step closer to her but Genya was quicker.

She stepped in front of Kheru and wrapped her arms around the young woman. "Don't say that. It was good that you came, we wouldn't want you to get hurt. And Ehri can take care of herself."

Gratefully, the shu leaned against the tailor and cried at her shoulder. Poor girl, Genya thought as she rubbed over her back, she's already lived through so much and now she has to leave her country and her family because of her maniac sister. And she doesn't know how the future is going to play out.

Kheru pulled herself a little bit together and shot Genya a thankful smile before she turned to the Queen. "What is going to happen now? Will you sent me away?"

"You will stay." Zoya decided. "But we will have to think about what we are going to do. And talk to the Cerons about it because staging a kidnapping might still backfire on us."

"Shall I call on them right away?" Tamar asked.

"No, we should conduct a plan first and then talk to them tomorrow." The Queen looked over to Nikolai. "While we talk to her family, you should speak to Aneela."

The prince clenched his jaw but nodded. He was obviously still worked up about the situation, but he would see things differently tomorrow, once his mind had cooled off. There was no way he would call it quits with Aneela after he had a moment to think about the situation. Besides, he would come up with a plan for Kheru and make things right, like he always did. And he would understand where Aneela was coming from; if the sides were switched, he would have helped Kheru without batting an eyelash because he was always there for his friends.

And Nikolai was a very loving person with so much to give. He was only waiting for the right person to share everything with, and Genya wished him his happiness so badly because she knew how it felt. It was like nothing she ever experienced and although the thought of David not being at her side anymore hurt her, it always turned from pain into love, remembering the amazing times they had together.

She wanted Nikolai to be happy for once. Have a fairly normal life, without having to save the world all the time. A few days of peace for him to relax. And to have somebody by his side to share it with, that cherishes and makes him happy.

Aneela has made him smile, laugh and talk much more than anybody else in the courting season. Or anybody else he had ever met. I'm sure they would have clicked as well even if they had met outside of courting season. There is something special between them, Genya could see it. They were both put in difficult positions with Kheru's dilemma, but things would soon resolve itself.

"We should call it a night and go to sleep," Genya suggested. "It's been a long day and we all need the rest."

The shu princess nodded. "Yes, that is a good idea."


"Yes, Your Majesty?"

Zoya gave her a comforting smile. "If you need something, anything, come to me directly, yes? I will make sure that everything is cared for, and you do not need to worry about anything. You're safe here in Ravka with us."

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