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👑 N I K O L A I 👑

Nikolai's prayers of a moment of silence after the courting event didn't get answered. A knock on his private chambers announced his four most trusted Grisha. Instead of sitting up from his bed to greet them, he remained in a laid down position with a cold towel on his forehead.

"What's up with you?" Zoya asked as she sat down on the couch across from his bed. "It's not even dinner time yet and you are already in bed."

"I have a headache," he declared, keeping his eyes closed. "Try to talk to Brigitta and Vilde longer than five minutes and you will understand."

"Shall I help?" Tamar asked.

"Please." Nikolai grabbed the cloth off his forehead.

The heartrender stepped next to his bed and held her hands over his head. Within a few seconds, the throbbing pain was gone and only a little tuck at his temples was left. He exhaled relieved and sat up. "Thank you."

"Should be completely gone in a few seconds." Tamar announced. "But remember to drink enough."

"And you should get some fresh air," Genya added. "But first: How did you think the sailing went today?"

"I expected worse, to be honest. They remained civil, stayed away from Aneela and actually tried to redeem their impression that they previously had made on me, which obviously didn't work."

"Yes, they know they're in too deep now."

"They have and it is clear how this courting season will end."

Zoya tilted her head. "How can you be so sure?"

"You should see him with Aneela," Tolya grinned. "He's been over the moon since she came around, they are growing closer by the day."

"You should see Tolya with Kheru," Nikolai grinned back, earning an angry glare from the heartrender. "It is a miracle he didn't already ask her to run away with him. Young love is so beautiful."

"That is good to hear." The Queen nodded approvingly. "But make sure, you don't make it too obvious-"

"Well, too late for that." Tamar commented.

"-we need to keep the other countries at state. It has to look like you're considering everybody – and yes, I know, you told us about the cruel things some of them said and the unacceptable behaviour and we have seen that as well – but we can't show them that you're already playing favourites."

"Already?" Genya frowned jokingly first at Tamar and then at Zoya. "He's been playing favourites since the day he told Kheru he wouldn't marry her. After this day, Aneela reconsidered her choices in the courting season and our dear prince was lost."

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