New Changes

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Cerise was so frustrated that Gabriel failed again to make that human friend of Adrien suffer the werewolf curse, "So you just decided to agree to cure him?!"

"My son was threatening to kill me if I didn't!" Gabriel said.

"Just like his mother! Too soft, kind, and too compassionate with humans!" Cerise yelled.

"I warned you that he doesn't want to be with any vampire girl! Our ways only make him angry" Gabriel said.

"Looks like we need a new plan," Cerise said.

"I'm old and my son is not. He is very strong-headed and he cares too much about the human world" Gabriel glared.

"And that is why I want to marry him! The vampire council almost could have exiled you!" Cerise said.

"You aren't suggesting drastic measures?" Gabriel replied.

"Find his goddamn weakness!" Cerise said.

"The only weakness I know is sunlight!" Gabriel said.

"Aren't vampires weak against holy objects?" Lila asked.

"Yes! But I saw something now! I don't know what but I'm guessing God doesn't see him as a monster like the rest of us. The crucifix didn't harm him!" Gabriel said, remembering back in Transylvania before departure, Adrien no longer fears the crucifix.

"Oh, that sucks. But I have a feeling Adrien's hiding something" Cerise said.

"What do you mean?" Gabriel asked.

"That's for you to find out but instead he burned your hand in sunlight" Cerise snickered.

"I was not expecting for him to get his bad side out! Just get the hell out of here before I exile you" Gabriel said.

"Have it your way" Cerise left.


Adrien demonstrated by having a glass of milk to Nino and Felix that his stomach did not reject it nor make him vomit.

"Incredible, you can drink without getting sick," Felix said.

"Yeah, but I still don't understand. All my life I tried tomato juice but my stomach rejected it. It's princess' human love for me is like changing me or something. And watch this" Adrien tested pizza containing garlic.

They waited for any reaction but nothing happened, "What the hell?" Felix backs away from the smell.

"You're immune to garlic!" Nino exclaims.

"Yeah. But this pizza is delicious. It's like Marinette's love has affected my vampire body to develop human emotions" Adrien belched out from eating.

"Why not ask her out?" Felix suggested.

"That's the problem. Humans sleep at night. I can't walk in sunlight" Adrien said.

"Fair point there," Felix said.

"And they can't see at night," Adrien said.

"Yep," Felix nodded.

"CERISE!!!" Adrien yelled, he knew she was spying on them somewhere. He's not dumb that she can be anywhere in plain sight.

"Where?!" Nino looks around.

"Sly as a fox she is" Felix grabbed a fox hiding underneath the table.

"Hey! Let go!" Fox Cerise shouted.

"Sly like a bitch, huh? You always don't leave me the hell alone" Adrien growled.

"You do know you pissed him off again," Nino said.

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