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Nino managed to find cloaks and dead rats to save them but they have to be quick since the sun moves very slowly like a clock in the sky.

"Here you go" He handed them to them.

"Thanks. Plagg still hasn't awakened yet. He's fast asleep" Cat Noir sank his fangs on the dead rat.

"Yeah," Felix drank his rat.

"What the hell kind of drug did he use?" Cat Noir asked, feeling like he'd had enough blood from a rat.

"I'm not sure," Nino said.

"He better not kill my cat. He's like a son to me" Cat Noir said before covering himself up.

"I guess it's a sedative drug he used," Felix said.

"Goddamn it," Cat Noir said and carried his cat, muttering in Latin.

"Doing that to a defenseless animal" Nino said.

"Cats can scratch very ugly, Nino" Cat Noir said.

"I know, but you scratch worse" Nino replied.

"Mmhmm. Let's go while we have the chance to keep Marinette safe" Cat Noir said, nervous to be near sunlight.

"You still got the bracelet?" Nino asked.

"Yes but for emergencies only" Cat Noir said.

"Yeah, like right now," Felix said.

"Okay, fine" Cat Noir puts it on and he turns into human, removing the cloak, "Nino. You love Alya, make sure she's safe too. Felix and I will stay with Marinette" Cat Noir said.

"Got it. But beware if your father's human slaves come for you" Nino said.

"It's not gonna be easy to recognize when there a humans everywhere in daylight," Cat Noir said, gesturing Felix to be a bat to hide and fly up at the balcony as quickly as he can in the shadows.

"Got it" Felix turned into a bat and flew up through the shadows.

Cat Noir swings with his whip to get on the balcony, "Please be at home" He knocks on the hatch.

"Huh?" Marinette came out of the bathroom and heard a tap on her trapdoor.

"Princess, it's me," Cat Noir said.

"Adrien?" She quickly climbs to her bed to open the trapdoor to let him in but Felix flies in first since he's getting almost burned alive.

"What the?! Another bat?!" Marinette gasps.

"Yeah, that's my cousin. I got bad news and I don't mean to alarm you" Cat Noir said.

"What is it?" Marinette asked.

"My father's after me, he knows I'm Cat Noir," Cat Noir said.

Felix morphed back to human form, "And he is not happy that my cousin fell in love with a human"

"Whoa, you look a lot like Adrien," Marinette said.

"Well except the hairstyle," Felix said.

"Yeah. Consider He's my polar opposite. But this is very serious. My father has gone psycho-mad. Like bringing hell into my life again" Cat Noir said.

"Even threatened me as well," Felix said.

"Oh, shit" Marinette can see he's got burns on his skin.

"Yeah, he's crazy," Felix said.

"I should've exiled him when I had the chance. Damn, my compassionate nature" Cat Noir removes his mask.

"What happened?" Marinette asked.

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