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Night approached and Cat Noir had to be ready to fight off vampires to protect Marinette. He puts Felix to protect her in case something happens to himself.

"No. This is a bad idea, cuz. I know these big boys are not loyal to your father's madness. No way in hell are you gonna fight ugly like that" Felix said, knowing that this will piss off Gabriel more.

"I fight ugly all the time, Felix. I'm not letting them near her. I lost my mother, I'm not losing Marinette again. You were right all along, I was a complete dumbass to let my father get worse and I did nothing" Cat Noir said.

"It's time to get serious," Felix said.

"My father is after me, cuz. He's been pissing off my ass for centuries. This time I'm extremely very pissed at what he did to you, Nino, and my cat Plagg" Cat Noir said.

"I know," Felix said.

"So protect her for me, please. And try to disguise as me to confuse them" Cat Noir said.

"Got it," Felix said.

"Adrien, please don't die because of me. You worked so hard on building your happiness for whatever how many centuries it did for you" Marinette said.

"I'll be fine my Bugaboo" Cat Noir said.

"I swear, if you die out there, I die with you," Marinette said.

"I promise Princess, I won't fall," Cat Noir said.

"My cousin is always a badass every time he knows how to kick ass," Felix said.

"Better stay in his character," Marinette said.

"Meow" Felix made a mocking meowing.

"Ha ha, so funny. I always kick-ass" Cat Noir jumps out the window.

"See you soon, Adrien" Marinette said.

He had to make sure no hypnotized humans were looking for him, there's are millions of people out here at night walking around.

"Be calm, Adrien" He thought and looked past a chimney but no one was there.

Until he heard movement and he nearly twisted the hypnotized human's arm, "Wake up now!" He snapped his fingers.

"Huh? Where am I?" The human snaps out of it.

"Never mind that" Cat Noir jumps off the roof.

He went to search for more until he spotted vampires with red eyes, "No good" He whispered.

"This city is so big! He could be anywhere!"

"Quiet! He could be hearing us! We find him, that psycho will spare us"

Cat Noir then slides down the rooftop. Even if they are cowards but they do hate Gabriel's rules in vampire power to control all humankind to respect vampires.

"This is getting out of hand now. I need to be careful" Cat Noir can tell they don't want to get killed by his father. Damn, his compassion as he made himself reveal to them, "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't stab all your hearts with my claws?" Cat Noir bared his claws for answers.

"Cat Noir?! We have no other choice!" One of them said.

"I know my father! He always thinks he can promise anything but he doesn't! All he cares about is control and power! Well, he's wrong about humankind! I'm the descendant now, he's not! It's time I should exile him when I have the chance! To make things right between human and vampire worlds" Cat Noir turns into mist to go and face his father. He flew all the way to the mansion.

Once there he crashes through the window, "It's time we finish it, Gabriel!"

But then the human slaves held garlic and crucifixes to make him vulnerable but they didn't know that Marinette's human love made him strong against it.

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