Love At First Sight

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Nino asked the girl with glasses for a design request to his 'boss' that he would like a cat burglar costume of a man.

"A cat burglar? Why not go to a masquerade?" Alya said.

"You said your friend wants something challenging, right?" Nino asked.

"Ah, yes. That's right" Alya replied.

"There's a challenge. My boss likes leather black material and he loves black cats" Nino said.

"Got it. Well, you give me his size and length too" Alya said.

"He's size medium and his length like he's 5ft and 5 inches," Nino said.

"Alright then," Alya said.

Later, Alya showed Marinette the client's length and size.

It was a very challenging request to whoever wanted this. Sounds like this unknown person is into leather or too much like a goth.

"Well I better make it as perfect as possible" Marinette began sketching the parts out before sewing them together.

"Heh, sounds like your client is into badass" Alya chuckled.

"Yeah. Who knows in a few years some comics might make heroes in capes and lifting cars, maybe even leap tall buildings in a single bound" Marinette said.

"We'll see. So far comic books only have funny characters" Alya said.

"That's why our old friend Nathaniel is the comic artist while his boyfriend Marc is the writer," Marinette said.

(A.N: Bisexuality was coined around 1892 but like some sexualities at the time, it was considered a disease. It was extremely rare in the 1920s in the USA. But now in the 21st century today, it is never considered a disease but a relationship to build for those who are happy)

Marinette added the leather material to create a catsuit man for the first time. The mask was simply leather masquerade style. Though she added some green lenses on the mask.

"Hmmm, perhaps this will do" She added a golden cat bell, " cute" She squeaked at how adorable this person would look.

"He's gonna love it," Alya said.

"Heh, for a client that loves black cats, he sure is a mystery," Marinette said while her design on a mannequin, "I hope I'll meet him one day" She checked it out.

"Girl, you totally made this design a badass. If that client is a badass, he would totally love you" Alya said.

"Yeah, I can imagine he's a prince meowing," Marinette said.

"His assistant is kinda cute," Alya said.

"Really? What's his name?" Marinette asked.

"Nino," Alya said.

"Heh, you took way too long to find a boy that's cute for months" Marinette chuckled and added the claw rings to the gloved fingers.

"What about you?" Alya asks.

"None yet," Marinette said.

"Just because you hate how they disgustingly flirt with you whenever they get too close to you?" Alya guessed.

"Yep. That's right" Marinette nodded.


At the mansion, Adrien was in his coffin with the lid open, checking out the fashion ads by Marinette Dupain Cheng. He wished someday in the future these humans invent color ink to see better.

"Dude!" Nino startled him and Adrien quickly hides the magazine.

"Nothing to see here!" Adrien quickly straightened himself up.

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