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On the roof of Notre Dame, Adrien was very pissed with his father and that he can't stand his selfish nature like a monster. His mother was what kept his father sane but when she died, he became cruel and heartless to fill hatred of humans in his heart. Adrien's cape slowly waves a little by the wind.

"It's time to be my own man," Adrien said.

"Bonjour" A familiar voice startled him by morphing into a cat.

Cat Adrien screeched in alarm but saw who it was, "Felix?" He hissed angrily before morphing back to human form, "What the hell are you doing here?"

"Ah, ah, ah. Watch it" Félix placed his finger on his cousin's lips to shush him, "You're on the rooftop of the cathedral. Didn't your father tell you that me and mom were coming?" Felix smirked.

"No, but I take it things didn't end well in London" Adrien guessed.

"I love London, cuz. Except for the Germans creating a war in London in 1917. Not as much as I hate family reunions" Felix said.

"Give me a break. I know you love to impersonate me to make me look bad. And that greeting prank to scare me to life was not funny" Adrien scoffed and looked down at the city.

"I know. But we've done the disguise thing when we were kids, switched clothes and no one could tell us apart" Felix leans at a gargoyle.

"The last time you pretended to be me, you almost drained a victim and got your ass killed," Adrien said before shooing the pigeons out of here, "Shoo! Out of here, birds!"

"Yeah, by a stake! GO AWAY!" Felix shoos the pigeons too.

"It's night and pigeons should be asleep. Sheesh. But don't change the subject, you still owe me an apology from a century ago. You know I don't drain victims by sinking my fangs in their necks" Adrien crossed his arms.

"Fine, fine. I'm sorry for that event a century ago" Felix apologized.

"Better, maybe next time I pretend to be You again, I'll just make you look humiliated to life" Adrien snickered and morphed into a bat to fly.

"I'm afraid I can't let you get away from me" Felix did the same and flew after him.

"Why? You bothered my ass too much" Bat Adrien flaps his wings to bank left.

"Your father made me your supervision," Bat Felix said.

"Seriously?!" Bat Adrien groans.

"As much as we both hate him, he left me no choice," Bat Felix said with angry bat screeches.

"Yeah, right" Bat Adrien flew above the streets.

"I am serious. He always thinks he's a god to know what's best for our people" Bat Felix flew after him.

"He could be wrong," Bat Adrien said.

"And he really hates humankind" Bat Felix flies down to morph into human form since his cousin did the same as they hid in the dark alley.

"When vampirism came around, the people used to be 'human' in the history" Adrien using air quotes.

"Yeah and Bram Stoker wrote Dracula based on a Transylvanian prince," Felix said.

"He knew Dracula was real and he inspired humankind to one day believe vampires are real. To them they think we aren't real, just supernaturals like ghosts and werewolves" Adrien sighed and just wanted to be himself without interruption.

"At this time no one should suspect us" Felix straightens his tie in human form.

"My father needs to understand humankind, not judge them so easily. One man killed my mother, not the rest. He always blames all of them for being savages" Adrien straightens his cape.

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