Leaving Transylvania

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Little Mermaid inspired me about non-human learning what it's like to be a human. Vampires may look human but they don't have the same strengths like them. They can't walk in daylight, lack of reflection, can't cross running water, weak to holy objects, garlic, and never ages.

Characters belong to (c) Zagtoon.


The year was 1926 in Transylvania and it will be days until the Agrestes move to France to start a new undead life. The father tried everything to raise his son for centuries to be like him but he was too much like his mother. He tried to teach him to treat his assistant as a slave but instead, his son treats him like a friend. He tried to teach him to scare humans but Adrien could never bring himself to traumatize them. He tried everything but nothing could make his undead heart colder like his.

Right now, Adrien was asleep in his coffin with the lid open, waiting for the sun to set so he could be joyful and sweet with the actual black cat he took in as his own.

"Okay, wake up, dude. I know you're awake" His friend but assistant Nino Lahiffe said.

"Come on, man. I was dreaming about being a human" Adrien groans and levitates him up.

"Again? You know it's impossible when you're a blood-sucking undead non-human" Nino said.

"Yeah, I know, Nino. I just can't live like this anymore. Vampires have been around for 15 centuries. I cannot live another century to go again" Adrien sighs unhappy.

"I'm human and you know the entire strengths and weakness my kind has. For example, humans don't drink blood" Nino hands him a bottle of blood, "They don't have pointy teeth, they can't see in the dark, and pretty much may be alive until they die old at 90 or 100"

"Mmhmm" Adrien drinks blood from the vial, "And I know they don't have supernatural powers"

"Last time you tried to walk in sunlight and you almost roasted up. Your dad would have grounded you for a century" Nino said.

"Give me a break. I can never be like him. Whenever he's around, I'm forced to treat you like a slave than a friend. I cannot do this anymore, Nino. My mother wouldn't want me to be like Dracula who was killed by Van Helsing" Adrien gets up from his coffin and walks up to the window, "Besides, I just want to be out there like a friendly vampire rather than being scary all the time"

"I understand what you mean, Dude" Nino said.

"Meow, meow" A black cat meowed.

"Hello Plagg" Adrien saw him.

"What's wrong with being immortal? You have eternal life without having to die. Being mortal is a very tough life, my dude. You have no idea what my kind goes through. You heal in seconds, mortals heal way too long" Nino said, making his master friend stand straight so he could put the cape on.

"Well once I reach adulthood I stop aging. But if I don't get blood I rapidly age" Adrien said.

"Oh, come on. That's just a myth to probably scare the hell out of you. We have a few days left until you and your dad move to Paris. Which reminds me, when was the last time you hypnotized a victim?" Nino made him stand near the mirror, not caring if Adrien had no reflection.

"A year ago, I believe," Adrien said.

"You really are like your mother," Nino said and adjusted the cape straight.

"She was very innocent until a man killed her. My father blames all humankind for that. It was just one cruel man, not every human kind" Adrien said.

"He scares me a lot and yet he still has that 'human' woman as his assistant" Nino using air quotes.

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