Chapter 18

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Yeah (go, go, go, go)
(Turn the lights on)

Whoa lover, don't you dare slow down
Go longer, you can last more rounds
Push harder, you're almost there now
So go lover, make mama proud (turn the lights on)

I don't wanna feel my legs
(And when we're done) I just wanna feel your hands all over me baby
But you can't stop there (whoa, lover)
Music still playin' in the background (whoa, lover)
And you're almost there
You can do it, I believe in you, baby
So close from here

Was playing in the back round as zac and fatima was making love all night after her parent left.

Fatima :uhhhh shit she moans papi your to deep.Zac: naw take this dick baby he says pounding into her harder.Fatima: zac your to deep please pull out she says pushing his hand .they both cumms and zac roll over to his side of the bed.

Zac: oooh girl you wore me out.

Fatima: Nawwww you wore me out and im sore ass fuck.

Zac:laughing im sorry baby.

Fatima: thats not funny and im sorry about my mom.

Zac: it's ok tima i already told you this not everybody is going to be happy about this but we both are grown and we got this my folks go be happy though.

Fatima:i guess she makes me feel bad about this you know not being married before having a child.

Zac: babe its ok i will marry you soon but dont let her get to you mother or not you will be a good wife and mother.

Fatima: i know i will thanks papi for loving me and giving me my first child i will forever be greatful for this.

Zac: sure babe lets get up and shower so we can go to sleep.

They both go get in the shower and bathe finally after 30 minutes they are done fatima is putting on one of zac tee's while he change the that they are done they both get in bed.

Zac: i love you goodnight daddies babies.

Fatima: goodnight and love you to babe.

They both dosed off to sleep and now its the next day and they both have to get ready for work or atleast zac does he don't know fatima called out to stay home.

Zac: Babe get up we have to go to work and i have 2 houses to show today.

Fatima: i called out yeasterday and cant you just stay your the boss.

Zac: i cant i have 2 houses to show how about this i show the house and come home to you.

Fatima:naww im good just go to work and let me go back to sleep.

Zac: babe whats wrong.

Fatima: nothing zac dont you have to get ready for work bye.

Zac: ok whatever fatima we just had a goodnight.

After 30 minutes of getting dress zac is getting ready to head out but he wants to make sure him and fatima are good.

Zac: ok ti baby im heading out.

Fatima: ok bye see you later.

Zac: ti whats wrong did i do anything.

Fatima: sits up fine you wanna know whats wrong i woke feeling sad ok my mom is mad at me and my childs father is leaving me ok maybe im clinging to you to much i dont want you to leave me ok(on the verge of tears).

Zac: babe im just going to work im not leaving forever never, ok i love you guys to much for that.How about you come to work with me today.

Fatima: smiling yesss papi.

after a hour of fatima of getting ready they leave out they stop to eat then head to zac job.

Ashley: good morning zac.

Zac: goodmorning ash whats up.

Ashley: nothing your first showing is at 11 so you have 30 minutes.

Zac: ok thanks ash let me take my baby to my office and i will get ready to head out.

Zac: baby this is my cousin ashley .ashley this is my baby fatima.

Fatima: hi ashley.

Ashley: heyyyyyy im a hugger but im not going to hug you and zac is my big cousin he helped me alot i'll tell you later.

Zac: well baby my office is the first to the left and ash is here i'll be back no later then 1 love you.

Fatima: love you to babe.

Zac leaves cause he has a house to show so its only fatima and ashley.

Ashley: so fatima how are you im ashley taylor im 33 im single and have 1 daughter name Summer she is 5 what about you.

Fatima: well im fatima as you know and no i have one on the way with zac i hope its a mini me but im greatful for whatever i get.

Ashley: awwwwww im happy for him cause the last bitch i did not like she killed thier baby i wanted to kill her myself.

Fatima: ohhh what he didnt tell me that but i will not do him like that but what did you mean when you said zac saved you.

Ashley: uhhhhh

Fatima: no you dont have to tell me its ok.

Ashley: oh no its fine ok so i was in a relationship and he was toxic and abusive and put me in a coma (On the verge of tears) so zac killed him for me and i thank him cause i would of died and my child i was so sad cause i stayed and zac was protective of me so i thought he was just trying to control my i pushed him away and stoped talking to him and then my ex beat me bad and i almost died but zac saved me nd i will forever love him for that.

Fatima: crying oh my im so sorry she says now hugging ashley. im truly am im glad you have him and now you have me.

Zac returns and him and fatima are now leaving she gave ashley her number and said they would link up.

Zac: did you have fun was she annoying you.

Fatima: no she was good i like her but can i ask you something.

Zac: sure babe whats up.

Fatima: why didn't you tell me your ex killed you guys baby.

Zac: did she tell you that.

Fatima: yes she did so pls be honest why did you think i will do the same.

Zac: no babe thats not why, but because she hurt me she did not want kids atleast not with me so she killed it and we broke up and she ended up pregnant with the guy she cheated with child so i just try not to think about the child i wish was here.Ashley tried to kill her but i protected her and told ash no she has a kid to think about.

Fatima: im sorry babe is that why you are so overprotective of me.

Zac: that and cause your ass a lil special he says laughing.

A/N zac wrong for that dont do my girl like that lmaoooo.

Fatima: laughs fuck you zac.

Zac: yea later he kisses her.

Fatima: take me home zac.

After that they go home and shower after eating and get in bed to go to sleep.

Zac: goodnight daddies babies.

Fatima:goodnight baby love you.

Zac: love you to babe goodnight.

Zac prays over fatima and his child and goes to sleep.

heyyyyyyyyyyyy yalll i hope you guys like it and comment.also thankkdgoattt23 and TheMainLeeLee cause they been asking for this here yall go hoessssss.lmaooo

give me some baby name ideas also love yall MWAH🥰

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