Chapter 17

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Its the next day and fatima has woken up out of her sleep to run to the bathroom.....she jumps up waking zac out of his sleep.

Fatima:throwing up.....Throw up sound again.

zac walks in to hold her hair and rub her back

Zac: baby you ok?

Fatima: no i'm not ok i've been sick for about a week my breast are soar ass hell and i can't sleep (She says now crying.)

Zac: aw babe im sorry what can i do to help you feel better&stop feeling sad.

Fatima: can you help me up and hold me i sleep better in your arms.

zac helps her up she brushes her teeth and they both go back to bed it's only 5 in the morning.

Zac: come on tima i got you baby.

Fatima: ok thanks papi i love you.

Zac: i love you to mami get some sleep.

5 minutes later fatima felt to sleep with zac holding her tight.he looks down at her and her belly and smiles.he starts to talk to the belly.

Zac:hey dadday's baby i love you and hope you come out srtong and well like your dad but stop giving mommy a hard time be nice to her i love you mimi behave for dada.

with that being said he kissed her belly and dosed off holding fatima's belly smiling he always wanted to be a girl dad. so he is exictied .

6 hours later its 11;00 o clock and zac is woke before fatima so he gets up and shower and write a note incase he's not back in time he is going to target for a pregnacy test and food for fatima.

Zac: tima baby get up and eat while your food is still hot.

Fatima: im tired go away let me sleep.

Zac: babe it's going on 12;30 you have to eat something and take these test babe.

Fatima: okkkkk damn you annyoing i wanted to sleep.

Zac: that's ok eat so we can take them test afterwards.

Fatima: ok DAD damn hand me my food pls.

Fatima: thanks i love you and my food cause im hungry ass hell lets hope i can keep this down.

Zac:welcome pumpkinn enjoy.

Fatima: you not go eat with me she pouts.

Zac: nawwww i already hate plus you need to eat i dont like seeing you cry or sad cause you cannot eat or keep nothing down.

Fatima: thanks bubbs i will eat some of it do i have to eat all of it.

Zac: no but some of it babe i need you to he says laying next to her in bed.

15 minutes go by and fatima is down eating and shes ready to take the test.

Fatima: ok papi im ready scared but ready.

Zac:its ok i got you no matter what on 3 flip them over.

A/N she took the text five minutes after she got down eating and waited a couple minutes for the results.she flips them over.

Zac: what do they say babe.

Fatima: .................... it's............. say's............. postive she says crying.

Test1 :postive



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