chapter 14

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its sunday afternoon fatima is still at zacs house its going on 6 and zac is playing his game while fatima does some work .they both go in to work on monday so she is trying to get some work done she is in zacs bed while he is in his man cave.

fatima is going down to zac's mancave your girl is on her 10 since zac left her alone to work.

Fatima:...... hey.

Zac: hey you still mad i left you alone to work and to study.

Fatima: yes but i'll get over it i'm done down so can we watch a movie untill we go to my parents house pls (she makes a puupy face).

Zac: yea give me a few im trying to finish playing call of duty.

Fatima: nevermind i'll watch tv by myself why you play with your friends i hope you die.

she walks in front of the screen and zac ended up getting sniped now hes mad.

Zac:yoooooooo fatima foreal bro why you do and say that now look im fucking dead hapy now.

Fatima: not my fault you can replay i am going to watch tv bye.

Zac: bye.

Time goes by zac is still mad and fatima is to its now 7:30 zac went upstairs to get ready to go to her parents house for sunday dinner even though fatima did not wan't to go zac walks in the bathroom fatima is getting out of the shower.

Fatima: you still mad at me.

Zac: no who said i was mad not me.

Fatima: i know you didn't but you just walk right pass me like im not even standing here.

Zac: cause im trying to shower not argue.

Fatima: ok zac whatever.

30 minutes later zac is done showering fatima still is naked she has not decided what to wear.

Zac: i am not mad tima come here im sorry for acting like a jerk about the game.

Fatima: no im still mad at you but i take and thank you for apology.

Zac: ok mamas i love you.

Fatima: i love you to papi.

zac walks towards fatima and and kisses her and she kisses him back he then picks her up while he is still rapped in his towel they deepen the kiss zac towel drops his towel and she can feel him rising.she stops and look at him.Fatima:papi we have to go its already 8 and dinner starts at 9. Zac: ok i'll be quick he says as he stars back kissing her while taking her to the bed and laying her down softly he teases her with his tip.
Fatima:papi stop and come on.
Zac: ok babe he says before he pushes right into her without warning.zac is taking it slow but is very deep.

Fatima: papi your to deep uuuuh she moans.

Zac: you like that mamas are you still mad at daddy.

Fatima: moans....... no papi im not mad anymore ......fuck

zac starst going faster hitting all her spots Fatima:papi im cumming.
Zac: come for baby daddy"s right behind you.fatima comes on zac and zac cumms right behind her but he didn't pull out.
they get done and shower again with no funny stuff and gets dress to head out.they are now in the car.

Fatima: can i put it on aux pls.

Zac: yes go head mammas he kisses her forehead.

Fatima smiles: thanks papi lets go i donr fell like hearing their moths espicaly my mothers.

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