Chapter 16

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2 months later

its been 2 months later and zac and fatima has been dating for 8 months and zac is ready for fatima to move in with him cause they are always at each others house.
A week ago zac and fatima got into it cause fatima was not ready to move in with zac plus her mom thought it was to soon.

Fatima's house

London: its been going on 1 weeks and you still have not talk to zac.

Fatima: no he text me goodmorning but no i have not and i'm fine with it.

London: no your not tima you've been sad and have not slept all week i think you should call him.Quam and zac talk alot and he has asked about you.

Fatima: then why havent he called me yet then if he misses me she says now crying.

London: Did you or did you not tell him to leave and not call or text you which he still does text you but you never respond.he is not ian sis you need to let that man love you and be here for you.

Fatima: i know sis but still what he said about mom is wrong he said she acts stuck up and wont let me live.

London: he's not wrong she made you date ian and he was a dirtbag and even let you move in with him zac is better you need to call that damn man.

London: let me ask you this though are you pregnant you've been moody lately when was your last cycle.

Fatima: no i'm not pregnant one,two i dont know and thats not possible.

London: well ok sis but still call him i have to go and get the kids.

Fatima: ok i will when i wake up from my nap.

over at zacs house

Quam:hey zac whats up when was the last time you talked to tima.

Zac: ....... uhh last sunday when i left and today is saturday so yea.

Cj: you not go talk to my sister.

Zac: yes i will talk to her when she call im just giving her some space.

Quam: yea thats sweet zac i'm glad you trying with her cause you know the last nigga i was ready to kill his ass.

Zac: yea i hate that nigga but yea i'll talk to her later bye yall.

Quam&Cj: bye bro see you tmwr at family dinner.

Zac: yea see yall later.

3 hours later.
Fatima wakes up from her nap she is still feeling a lil sick but she gets up to call zac,she has been sick the whole week but she just thinks its a stomach bug.

fatima calls zac


Zac:Hello hey ti whats up.

Fatima: hey...zac i miss can you come over

Zac: sure ti whats wrong your brothers told me you been sick are you ok.

Fatima: yea i just think its a stomach bug but i'm still a lil down you know but im ok when are you coming over.

Zac: i'll be their in 30 minutes max ok i love you.

Fatima: ok love you to babe.

Fatima hung up the phone she felt something coming up and ran to the bathroom.

30 minutes later zac comes in with all her favorites and some chochlate and a big bear.
and called for fatima but she was sleep.

Zac: ti

Zac: tima baby im here.

he goes to her room and see her bald up he he turns to walk out.

Fatima: hey don't go pls

Zac: oh i'm not im just going to the living room.

Fatima: stay pls(she pouts).

Zac: ok

he walks to he bed and climb on the bed next to her.she crawls next to him and lay down on his chest.

Fatima:i missed you im sorry for pushing you away.

Zac: it's ok mammas but you dont have to move in with me so soon i'm sorry for pressering you to do something you didn't want to do.

Fatima: no i do want to move in just not right now and i'm sorry for my mom she was wrong.

Zac: yea i guess but how are you feeling i know you been sick lately are you ok.

Fatima: yea i guess iv'e been throwing up and cant seem to want nothing i eat.i hate it papi.

Zac: awww its ok pumpkin i'm here now so i will take care of you i bought your favorite do you want it.

Fatima: i dont know but i will try to eat it can you get it for me pls.

Zac: sure but you have to get up off me babe.

she moves and he go get her food and her bear and give it to her.

Fatima: awww thanks papi i love the bear.

Zac: your welcome mami kiss.

she kisses him and trys to eat her food.

Fatima: do i have to eat all of it.

Zac: no but you have to eat some babe im not playing.

Fatima: ok ok i will (she Pouts ).

Zac: aww my lil baby pouts be so pretty he says laughing.

Fatima: no funny zachary.

Zac: oh now im zachary ok fatima.

Fatima: stop playing zac she says on the verge of tears.

Zac: mommmas im just playing calm down he says hugging her.are you ok.

Fatima: no i can barely sleep and im always moody,i cant keep nothing down and i want icecream.

Zac: i brought you some its in the frezzer momma.

Fatima:yayy thanks papi i love you.

Zac: i love you to mammas.

They kiss and fall alseep holding each other fatima has finally slept peacefulbtw its 10:00 at night so they felt asleep watching tv.




do yall think fatima should move in with zac.

will yall go a week without talking to your love ones.

what yall think wrong with fatima leave yall thoughts in the comments

bye love yall😍

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