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This is a very F1 filled chapter.

So you know how I had that really good feeling before? Yeah, well FP3 definitely went my way, I topped the charts and got first and fastest time of the weekend thus far. I got the time right at the end of the session and I think I shocked the garage. It went something like this:

Three minutes before end of FP3

"You think I can get another lap in?" I asked my engineer while I was sitting in my car in the garage. I was bored as and I don't know why I came back in in the first place.

"Uh, we've not got any plans and you would be really pushing it." He replied over the radio.

"Send me out." I replied and the garage got to work quickly pulling my car out to the pit lane where I drove off onto the track.

Now my 'out lap' might not have exactly been an out lap. It was more 'frantically push to get across the line then continue pushing' lap but I made it! Wish about 3 seconds to spare apparently.

After the lap

"See! I told you I would make it!" I radioed my engineer after completing the flying lap. There was radio silence for a good few seconds before I got a reply.

"Yo- you got the fastest lap." My engineer said in disbelief. I froze for a second, then unfroze because I was still driving an F1 car that was hurtling towards a corner. Anyway, I came out on a lap because I was bored and then I end up top of the session. I would say that turned out pretty well.

"Well, that turned out pretty well." I echoed my thoughts through the radio.

When I got out of the car I had to go to the paddock, us F1 drivers have to do an excessive amount of interviews. When all the housekeeping was finished I went to my drivers room and dramatically flopped onto the couch, no one was around, just felt like being dramatic.

I turned on my phone and tapped on the YouTube notification that was from the F1 channel, it might be slightly narcissistic to be subscribed to a channel that you are on often. But they sometimes have interesting videos! And I like to hear what the commentators are saying when me and my co-workers are in the car.

Anyway, I opened the FP3 highlights and watched the 7 minute video. At the end when everything was wrapping up with a couple of drivers on their cooldown laps before they pitted, they showed my car leaving the pits and the audio of the commentators being a little confused as to why I was going out so late. It then cut to the start of my flying lap and the commentators getting excited as I went purple in the first and second sectors.

There was a little bit of shouting as I crossed the line with fastest lap and the audio of my conversation with my engineer was put in there. I scrolled to the comments which were mostly talking about the freak fastest lap and there were a few about my accident from the day before. 

I opened Twitter and there were a lot of people wishing me a speedy recovery, before they later went back to congratulate me for the fastest lap. I then stalked a couple of people for a few hours, you know, the usual before I ended up on Niall Horan's Twitter page where there was a Tweet from just a couple of minutes ago.

Niall Horan @NiallOfficial

@Harry_Styles 👀👀

I tapped on dad's account and the last Tweet sent on the account was the one I had sent a long while ago at this point, that must mean something. Maybe I should steal dad's phone again to see if something was said on that group chat. Though maybe I shouldn't do that because, privacy and all that.

I scrolled through twitter for another like 10 minutes when I saw a Zayn Malik post that had just been tweeted.

Zayn @zaynmalik

@Harry_Styles @NiallOfficial 👀👀

Well, it looks like they've taken a lesson from the master (Me) of breaking the internet and Tweeted something that definitely implies something is coming soon, though I know something is coming soon 'cause I snooped through dad's phone.

I lounged around the room for a bit longer, contemplating whether or not to stop procrastinating and finally go have a shower and take my race suit off, I'm lazy alright? I eventually sighed and stood up, regretting it because the couch is comfy. But I took a shower and got changed into some team wear before getting a message from my PR manager.

Message from: Managery Person Named Tomathy

The F1 team want you for a video, I'll come get you, where are you?

I typed my reply and hit send

Message to: Managery Person Named Tomathy

I'm in my drivers room, what's the video about?

He sent his reply

Message from: Managery Person Named Tomathy

Something about you vs Verstappen in a geography challenge, because you were the best at it last time.

I just sent a thumbs up in response and waited for him to collect me, like I was a child in a daycare. When he did arrive I was led out into the paddock and to a sunny spot outside under a tree where a table was with Maxie Moo waiting and a bunch of cameras set up.

I sat down at the table and the F1 people explained the challenge, there was three rounds, one about flags, one about naming and recognising countries, and finally one about famous landmarks. We would be shown like a card thing and the first one to ding their bell gets a chance to answer the question.

Turns out I was the best at the countries and flags one, and Max was a lot better at the landmarks one. Though I still won, hopefully like I do in a race this year. This was when I got a notification on my phone from Twitter, and when I saw it I realised they are really actually doing this.

One Direction @onedirection

@Louis_Tomlinson @LiamPayne @NiallOfficial @Harry_Styles @zaynmalik 👀👀

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