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Why are so many people reading this?

Sooooo, I did a few oopsies. Firstly, yes, I got grounded after my little show at dad's concert. Second, I ABSOLUTELY DESTROYED the internet with that Tweet. The Internet went WILD, though none of the other 1D members had said anything about it online so I don't know if it's going to happen, but we hope. Oh yeah, I actually didn't get grounded for the Tweet! It was apart of a deal after all. Also, I think my dad was actually happy I did it, but he most certainly didn't show it.

The Internet also had theories about me being dad's daughter. He had yet to dismiss or confirm the rumors, he had asked me what I wanted to do. Whenever it came to our public relationship he always left the final decision up to me, after all I was the one who hadn't wanted to be connected to his last name.

Now I'm in Japan preparing for the next race... Well by 'preparing for the race' I mean I was sitting in my drivers room scrolling through TikTok as I waited to attend a interview. BUT, I had high hopes for some actually DIFFERENT questions, not just the same: 'Which team would you move to?' or 'Have you ever been to the toilet in your car?' and SO many others I have been asked a thousand and one times over.

Wow, I get off track a lot, don't I? Anyway, this interview was with 'P1 with Matt & Tommy' or whatever their full name is. Point is, I was having an interview with two people I actually watch on a regular basis. Hope this will be good.

Okay, so now I'm being led into like a  conference-like room and Matt and Tommy are there sitting at a table with their laptop open. I am directed to a seat and sit down, because what else are you meant to do with seats?

They do their intro thing and put me in quite a good light, probably better than what I actually am. We do the nice chatter, warm up the conversation you know? Then the juicy questions come in.

"So I would just like to take everyone back a few weeks, you went to that Harry Styles with some of the other F1 drivers if I'm not mistaken." Matt says.

"Yeah, well all the other drivers, apart from Magnussen. Don't ask me why all the other drivers agreed to come, I genuinely have no idea." I reply.

"And you had a little trip on stage, by tackling Harry Styles." Matt continues, he looks down at his laptop. "There has been a whole lot of stuff going round on the Twitter recently with a lot of rumors that you and Harry Styles have some kind of family relationship with each other. My next, and the question we were asked to ask you is, are you somehow related to Harry Styles?"

Hmm, should have expected that one a bit more than I did. I though for a second before deciding on what to do, I guess I've already broken the internet, why not make it an even bigger thing? "Maybe I should reintroduce myself, hello Matt and Tommy," I stood up and walked over to them holding my hand out. "It's so nice to meet you, I'm Luna Styles."

I cursed myself for not getting a picture of their faces, I don't think that was the answer they were expecting at all. A couple of noises came out of Matt's mouth before he said anything.

"So, which of the rumors are true? Can you explain the story to us?"

"Well, Harry's my father dear, and the story of how is when two people love each other very much..." My voice turned to as if I was talking to a child at the end of the sentence.

I once again cursed myself for not getting a picture of their faces.

Sorry for the short chapter, my laptop is literally dying

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