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This is the last chapter you're going to get for about a month, I actually have a real life that I need to focus on.

So after the... Eventful, interview I went back to my driver's room where my phone all but blew up. Everyone who was in the room was messaging me, also Lewis who had apparently got his hands on the information. It got to a point where I just shut my phone off, the messages were a problem for later me. Also, why was it such a big deal I was the daughter of Harry Styles? I mean yeah I had lied about my identity for 17 years of my life, and Harry hadn't told that many people either, as in, his whole fanbase. But still! I was just a person doing normal persony things. Anyway, it'd probably be at least a couple of days before the interview comes out.

After about half an hour of lounging around my room there was a knock on my door. I stood up and opened it to the face of my race engineer.

"They want you for Grill the Grid." Is pretty much all he said.

I sighed and got up, he accompanied me to the place where they filmed the 'Grill the Grid' and I got into my race suit as they asked me to be. I went through the interview thing which was about geography, and I absolutely smashed it. If I do say so myself. The people told me I had done the best and was ahead overall, so we take the wins. 

I finally turned my phone back on when I got back to my room and then it continued to explode. I sighed, I seem to be sighing a lot today. I opened Twitter, who still didn't know yet and I was still getting messaged about the 'Larry Stylinson' Tweet, even though since then I had done a lot more questionable stuff.

After about an hour of procrastinating I finally got round to replying to the messages that people had texted me about the whole interview thing. I finally got back to the hotel later that day and greeted my dad who was staying in my room, he definitely knew something was up with me, then I finally fell asleep.

When I woke up the first thing that popped up when I opened my phone was a YouTube notification, it was titled 'We Asked Luna Everly What the Fans Really Want to know.' By P1 With Matt & Tommy. Welp, guess I have to get prepared for another day of sighing, also they got that out really quick, how? I tapped on the video and scrolled to the comments, I already knew what the entire video was about, I was there after all.

The comments were going crazy, there were a lot of question marks. Also some confusion from people who didn't follow Dad's career and didn't realise how big a deal this was. Another thing I saw in the comments was a bunch of green and blue heart emojis. I groaned, now they're going to think Larry actually exists from my Tweet, though I don't actually know if it ever did, dad gets very touchy on the topic, though he never said anything to deny it.

Although I do exist, but apparently that was a 'one time thing' but he also 'loved her very much' when he was referencing my mum, so I can't really confirm.

As I mentioned before my dad was staying in my room. We were in two different bed though. Anyway, besides the fact, he was currently at the pool or something so he had left his phone on his bedside table. His notification sound played and I did the only obvious thing to do in that situation and peeked at the screen to see a message from a groupchat called 'My Brothers'.

The message read 'HARRY YOU HAVE A DAUGHTER????? SINCE WHEN??????' so I did the obvious thing and opened up dad's phone with his password that I had learned ages ago. I opened the groupchat and read the names of the people in it. They were called, as follows:




and finally: Payno

It very quickly clicked in my brain who these people were, a smirk grew on my face as I opened the text thing to type in a message back, this was going to be fun. I typed out as follows, 'Since she was born'

I hit send and waited for a reply which came rather quickly from Niall.

'That doesn't tell us anything! ALSO I WAS ON A TALK SHOW WITH HER WTH.'

I typed a message back, this was me being actually curious.

'What'd you think of her?'

The reply took a second longer this time, but Niall still replied.

'She reminded me a lot of you, she was vry polite and nice.'

Now Louis got in on the conversation.

''Polite and nice' Lad, she got me to kiss Lewis Capaldi.'

Niall replied back, this was very entertaining.

'You could have just said 'no' you know?'

Louis replied again.

'But I promised her that if she was telling the truth I would, and Tommo never breaks his promises.' (WAIT I DIDN'T MEAN TO DO THAT, WE'RE JUST GOING TO ROLL WITH IT NOW.)

I snorted but felt my heart shatter on the inside, I simply replied back to that message.

'Promise 😊'

There was a break before a reply finally came in from Louis.

'Well, we're coming back soon aren't we? That was the whole point of this group chat?'

Huh, well that wasn't what I was expecting, guess the fun is over, now I need details. I typed another message in and pressed send.


I'll update in like a month, hope you all have a nice time :)

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