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I wish I could be this motivated with other things in my life, This is also going to be based off the 2024 F1 calendar but there isn't a specific year this is set.

I finally found my way to the entrance of the paddock and sent my location to my dad, he replied with an 'on my way' and now I was just left hiding in a corner. A few people spotted me and came up asking for autographs and pictures and such, but I didn't get swamped which was nice.

I kept an eye out for the figure of my dad when I finally spotted him. I exited the paddock to walk over to him when he spotted me, I speedily walked to him and was brought swiftly into a hug. I looked up my dads face, he was wearing a face mask and a hoodie and that was enough to hide at an F1 race.

"I love you." I said to him, this is the one statement I couldn't say enough to this man.

"And I love you more." He replied, I could basically see the smile under the mask.

I handed him the paddock pass that Toto had given me and we entered the paddock, now you may have noticed that no one was with me, such as security, this was because I snuck out while they were celebrating, they take too long anyway.

I walked side-by-side with my dad to the Mercedes hospitality. I felt like I was on cloud 9, watching this all happen from outside my body. We entered and I showed him the way to my drivers room, nodding hello to a few people I recognised along the way.

I plopped myself on the couch that was in the room and my dad sat down next to me.

"This room, is as messy as it is at home." He stated.

"Oh, shut up, I don't have very much free time to clean it." I replied, the 'shut up' being meant in a sarcastic sort of way. We talked and caught up for a bit, I also did my favorite thing, make my dad laugh, I loved to hear his laugh and when I was the person that initiated the laugh it was the best feeling ever.

"Are you coming to Saudi?" I asked him, hope was building in my chest and seeped into my voice, my dad frowned.

"I'm sorry, I can't, I barely managed to squeeze this race into my schedule." He replied.

"Oh ok, it's fine." I said, after a second of silence my mood lifted as I finally remembered to tell my dad quite an important thing. I grinned, "Oh, right, I'm going on the late late show after Jeddah, with James Corden."

He looked up a little suprised. "How'd you get on there?"

I put a hand to my chest as I replied. "What?! You don't think I'm well known enough to get on there?"

My dad started spluttering a bit as he frantically backtracked when he realised how it came out while I just grinned, widely. He looked at my face and figured I was joking, his shoulders fell into a relaxed state as he grinned back at me.

"You cheeky little [Insert something here]" He said while waggling his finger at me.

I laughed before my phone rang.

Incoming call from: Le Teammate Lewis

I pressed accept and walked to the other side of the room.

"Hello?" I greeted as a question.

"Hey, where are you?" Lewis asked me. "You ran off from the celebrations."

I proceeded to explain how I thought my dad wasn't coming when he really was and how I hadn't seen him in a while and wanted to talk to him.

"Ok, I just wanted to make sure you were ok. Also, the drivers are having dinner together tonight as a 'first race done' kind of dinner and I wanted to know if you were coming."

"You mean you were tasked with inviting me," I paused for a second as I looked at my dad, he tapped his watch signalling he had to go soon, I furrowed my brows, he couldn't have been here for more than 5 hours. "Yeah, sure I'll be there."

"Alright, I'll send you the address, or do you want a lift?" Lewis asked.

"I could do with a lift,"

"Meet you in the hotel lobby... 6ish?" 

"Sounds good see you soon."



I ended the call and looked back to my dad.

"You're leaving so soon?" I whined

"I'm sorry, it took a lot of convincing for management to let me fly across the world and our deal was I have to be back in time for my show." Dad answered, I liked his management and he liked his management, I can understand that you wouldn't want a singer to travel across the world and back while in the middle of a tour.

I sighed. "Ok, fine, I love you."

"I love you too."

This timeline doesn't make the most sense.

When Worlds Collide [F1 and Harry Styles]Where stories live. Discover now