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Genuinely don't know where this is going, I have a couple ideas, this is a very filler chapter

The interview finally ended, I MADE IT WITHOUT REVEALING ANYTHING!! Take that Lando! I was now backstage waiting for... something, I don't really know, my entire life just consisted of 'going with the flow' and going where I was told to. Then I finally saw my PR person come into the room and took that as my sign to leave, so I went up to say goodbye to Niall Horan, because it's the polite thing to do.

"It was a pleasure meeting you, but I have to leave now." I said to him.

"You too." He said with a smile, we stood there in awkward silence before I continued.

"So, you think I could get Lewis Capaldi's phone number? There's something important I wanted to talk to him about." I asked him, my mind was scheming. Niall looked a little taken aback at the question.

"Uh, I'll have to check with him, here, you can have my phone number and if he says yes I'll message you." He replied, eh, good enough.

"Cool, thanks, see ya later." I bid farewell after I got his number and ran to my PR person.

Couple days later

 I spent the next couple of days with my dad, he was the most fun person to hang around with. I managed to get Lewis Capaldi's number and her was now a contact in my phone. What was my life? I was the daughter of Harry Styles with two of the five phone numbers of One Direction, as well as Lewis Capaldi's and multiple F1 world champions, and on top of it all I was an F1 driver. 

I was flying back to England today, I wanted to spend some time on the simulator before the next race. So now I was saying goodbye to my dad at the airport, why does he have to spend so much time in America?

I boarded my flight and found my seat in First Class, Mercedes pays for most of my flights because it is for work or whatever. We took off and I spent most of my flight watching movies and just looking through my phone. I landed in London at about 10pm. I went home and chucked my bags on the floor before slumping into my bed after messaging my dad I had landed safely. 

I think I should mention where I live now, so basically, my dad owns a house in London, the USA and Australia. I spent most of my early childhood in Australia, I will never regret that, I gained an Australian accent, could go to the beach everyday and lived in a beautiful area. When I grew older and got into karting I moved to the house in England, it was in the mix of karting a lot more and helped majorly in my career.

The next day I woke up to my phone ringing, I looked at the time and it was 6am.


I answered the phone.

"Hello?" I shocked myself with how deep my voice was. 

"You wanna play some F1?" The voice on the other side of the phone asked.

"Lando, you've woken me up at 6am to ask me to play a video game?" I asked bewildered.

"It's 6am? Oh sorry, but yeah! I did." He replied, I swear, this kid, I sighed before replying.

"Give me like 10 minutes."

"Alright! See you soon." I ended the call.


I let out another sigh and got up to have a shower.

One Shower later

I stepped into my simulator rig and sat down, putting on my headphones. I turned everything on and logged into discord pressing the call button on Lando's profile. The Discord ringing noise filled my headphones.

"Hey Lando." I said when I heard the join noise.

"Hello!" He replied, "Also, I am streaming, chat says hello."

"Hello chat."

For the next 3ish hours I played with Lando, including: 2 player career, online lobbies and just 1v1 races.

I received a message from Toto on my phone.

Message from: Bossman Wolff

The message read: 'You are coming in today, yes?'

I replied with a yes.

"Hey Lando, I've got to go now, I'll talk to you later." I addressed Lando.

"Ok, I'll see you soon.

I then left the call and got ready to go to the 'office'. I had one of the coolest offices in the world. I did have to call an Uber, a person might be an F1 driver, but that doesn't mean they have a drivers license. (I know that you do these days, but for the sake of the story that rule doesn't exist) I made it to the office and walked through the front doors, I made my way to the correct meeting room where... I was late. Because of course I was.

After the meeting I spent time on the simulator before finally going back home.

When I got home I logged onto my computer and opened up Twitter (Elon Musk didn't destroy this Twitter), the first piece of news that popped up was: Louis Tomlinson on Tour, buy tickets now.

So when you are me, what is the most obvious thing to do? Buy tickets of course.

When Worlds Collide [F1 and Harry Styles]Where stories live. Discover now