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Currently writing this on the opposite side of the world, also my thought process halfway into the chapter was literally just: Screw it.

The band didn't reply to the message for a while, long enough that I sent their phone numbers to myself and put dad's phone back like nothing ever happened. Nothing happens at all. 🎶The needle returned to the start of the song, and we'll all sing along like before.🎶 Uhk, I love that song

Anyway, I started a group chat on my phone with the numbers I just collected.



I didn't add my dad because I didn't feel like getting told off in front of all his friends.

XXX-XXXX-XXX renamed to: NIALLLLL (The Princess)

XXX-XXXX-XXX renamed to: Daddy Direction

XXX-XXXX-XXX renamed to: SaSs MaStEr fRoM DoNcAsTeR

XXX-XXXX-XXX renamed to: Bradford Bad Boi

I then typed out a quick message and sent it before they left immediately and changed their numbers.


I saw the four were online and had seen the message so I continued with another message.

Okay, first order of business, was Larry real? Dad gets all touchy on the subject

They saw the message and finally Niall replied... But completely ignored my question.

NIALLLLL (The Princess): It's weird hearing Harry be called 'dad'

SaSs MaStEr fRoM DoNcAsTeR: Well your not exactly 'hearing' it lad.

My next message I couldn't help myself.


It annoys me okay? I then continued with another message.

Second order od bsuieness, WHEN ARE YOU BLOODY VETTING VACK TOFETHR? wow my spelling just does


Once again... Silence. These people are reaaaal bad at replying.

I then remembered that I actually had a job that I needed to pay attention to. I looked at my watch, I was 28 MINUTES LATE TO A MEETING. I was still sitting in the hotel room, I was meant to be at the track 30 minutes ago. I sprinted outside the door and ran to the elevator, rolling on my heels as I waited for the elevator that seemed to take an eternity to arrive.

When I got down to the lobby I ran outside the front doors, while getting some weird looks from people. I got to the front doors and found where I locked my bike and helmet up. We were in Japan, my stuff probably wouldn't get stolen. I chucked on my helmet and started peddling, I made it to the track in record time... 10 minutes. I was now a total of 38 minutes late for a meeting. At least I wasn't at Redbull otherwise I would have been fired 38 minutes ago.

I ran to the Mercedes motorhome after getting into the paddock and launched myself through the doors and up to the meeting room where there was some very quiet chatter going on, very different from the speedrunning music playing in my head. When I burst through the doors every head turned to look at me. I felt my face flush red as I sat down in the empty seat next to Lewis.

"Sorry I'm late, I got distracted." I said meekly.

The meeting continued after a couple amused looks were sent my way. There was talk of strategy and how track conditions were looking before we went into free-practice 1. After the meeting I made my way to my drivers room, getting changed into my race suit before walking down to the garage where my engineers were getting the car ready. Someone handed me my radio thing which I thanked them for before putting it in my ear and attaching it to the suit.

A 5-minute warning was given before the start of free-practice as I was getting buckled into the car. As the free-practice started a feeling of dread fell over me, to the point where I shivered as the feeling crept down my spine. I continued though, 'cause my body just be stupid sometimes.

It was around halfway into the session when it happened, Maxie Moo crashed. It wasn't that bad and he was fine, but as I tried to hit the breaks for the corner at the end of the main straight, my car didn't slow down. I was now hurtling 320km/h into the first corner, I tried to turn, hoping I could get round the high-speed corner anyway and lose some speed, but the car ended up hurtling sideways into the barriers.

Everything went slow as I felt the car hit the barrier and everything went black for a second. The car spun out of control back onto the track. I felt all the air get knocked out my body as I tried to take some deep breaths. That was when I noticed the red and orange.

My car was engulfed in flames.

The only thought that got through to my dizzy brain was 'The fuel tank must have been punctured.' It then finally clicked that I need to get out.

I reached for the buckles that held me in my seat and  tried to release them. They wouldn't let me go. I tried again and again until finally, after the 6th attempt they released. The flames were surrounding me, reaching towards my body. I yanked myself out the car and rolled onto the ground. I jumped up and ran out the flames. Where my vision cleared slightly I saw the medical car and fire car thing and marshals all running around. I also saw about 5 other F1 cars waiting just behind the road cars.

That's when I looked behind me to see a wall of flames. People were rushing all around me and led me to an ambulance where I was ushered in and driven to the Hospital. Everything went by in a flash. I felt like seconds, but also days, weeks. I was checked over and was mostly fine apart from a WHOLE lot of bruising and a few burns. It turned out I was there for a couple of hours.

When I left the hospital I was greeted by the sight of my two worried dads (The Grid one and the Biological one) who both spotted me and engulfed me in a hug.

When Worlds Collide [F1 and Harry Styles]Where stories live. Discover now