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Well, in the past few weeks the internet had been killed three times? Four? Lets recap shall we. So it started with the Larry Stylinson Tweet, or was it when I was interviewed with Niall Horan? Wait did I go to that Louis Tomlinson concert first? Uh, never mind, we're just going to go through the times the internet was broken. Well for one we had the Lewis Capaldi kissing Louis Tomlinson, two could be the Larry Stylinson Tweet. Three I guess is invading the Harry Styles concert and singing 1D is also counted in that. Wait, maybe it did start with the interview? When I named what would make a good band? Or maybe that just broke my mind in embarrassment.

Anyway, back to counting. One, Lewis Capaldi at Louis Tomlinson concert. Two, Larry Stylinson Tweet. Three, invading the Harry Styles concert. Four, the whole Harry has a daughter thing. Five, the Tweet I did from dad's account. Six and Seven, those 1D tweets from the band...

So maybe the internet was broken a little bit more than I thought. Whoops.

So anyway, I broke the internet again.

Moon Gorl @Luna_Everly

@onedirection, @NiallOfficial, @zaynmalik  Can I come with? Where ya starting it?

So maybe I didn't actually know for certain if these Tweets were about the reunion which I knew was coming, just not when. But you know, we gotta dibs the spot, start the preparations early and all that.

Though the fans took it as confirmation that a reunion was coming very soon. I probably shouldn't have done that looking back, but eh, CAN'T GET GROUNDED WHILE ON THE OTHERSIDE OF THE WORLD BABY!! Wait no, Seb, he wouldn't approve, he would ground me, crap.

As soon as the thought came into my mind I froze where I was and took my phone out of my pocket and deleted the Tweet, can't risk the disappointment of Sebastian Vettel. When I looked up from my phone and stuffed it into my pocket I saw Lewis (The F1 Driver) looking at me as if I was crazy. Oh yeah, I was on a track walk with my teammate and engineers and people.

I didn't say a word and just continued to walk. They ended up following without mentioning anything, it only takes so long for someone to get used to my weirdness! I finished the track walk and found my way back into the paddock, luckily there wasn't a disappointed Seb waiting for me, so I think I was in the clear.

When I opened Twitter again it confirmed that I may have broken the internet again. Then the guilty feeling took over, I really shouldn't have done that, it ruined the surprise and guessing and the hints that 1D would drop. I had to try and right my mistake.

I typed out another Tweet.

Moon Gorl @Luna_Everly

Wait, I don't actually know if anything is happening, I'm guessing as much as you all are 😭

I posted the Tweet in hopes that would fix my mistake.

I was just sitting in my drivers room when I saw my guitar sitting on the couch, I grabbed it and started to pluck a few cords and humming a tune to myself. After a while of doing this there was a knock on my door, I stood up to answer it, hoping and praying that it wasn't Seb.

I opened the door to the face of Lewis H(amilton).

"You're pretty good at playing that guitar, may I just sit and listen?" He asked me, I replied with a nod of my head and sat down again on the couch while Lewis found a comfortable spot on the floor.

I felt like I needed to put on a performance, so I started to play the beginning melody to one of the One Direction songs, 'If I Could Fly' I just liked it, can't really explain why, it's good. I started the lyrics awkwardly and quietly, by confidence slowly growing as I went on. I finished the song and stopped playing the guitar.

"You're a good singer." Lewis said, no sarcastic remarks, just a pure genuine compliment. I sent a lopsided smile back at him with a thanks before he continued. "Can you play another?"

I nodded before wracking my brain around another song I could play that sounded okay on guitar before landing on 'This Town' by Niall Horan. I played out the tune and sung along to it again, my voice more confident than when I started the other song.

Lewis nodded with a smile when I finished, deep in thought before making another request. "Can you play one of your dad's songs?"

Crap, I had to think about this longer, I wasn't the best at dad's songs, it just felt wrong to play his and listen to his songs. I settled on 'Sweet Creature' it was one of the only ones I knew. I played it out again and when I finished I looked up to see Lewis filming me on his phone. I froze in a panic, I hated how I sounded when I sang, as much as people said I was good, I hated singing in front of more than like one person at a time.

I put my guitar down as Lewis re-watched the video.

"Could I send this to the other drivers?" He asked.

I thought about it. "Can I watch it first." He nodded and handed over the phone.

I gave him the okay and he sent it as I felt my phone ping with a notification on the F1 Whatsapp group. I hate singing in front of a camera and sending it to people, but I can't say no to the Lewis Hamilton puppy dog eyes.

The chat pinged with replies, all of which were positive, even Max sent a sincere message, void of any sarcasm. I awkwardly sat in my seat, I don't like sending videos like these to people because it feels like their being nice for the sake of being nice, and I hated it, I hate compliments that aren't jokes. I hate the feeling that I get when someone gives me a compliment.

Lewis ended up leaving and I thought about myself, I hate sending videos of myself, I hate it because if feels narcissistic, like all I want is everything to be about me. I hide behind the jokes so I can be a background character, just their for the comedy, no taking the spotlight, just the entire personality is jokes and always doing the stupid thing. I mean sure, I jumped on stage during dad's concert, and sure, I guess that's narcissistic, but it's me to just go for it, I'm just there for the special before never being noticed again. I'm the character that's meant to never have any regrets.

But I have regrets.

Luna and Lewis bonding and Luna having insecurities? Wow. Another side to Luna that isn't all jokes and sarcasm. That ending is a little big of an 'eh'. But it's finnnneee.

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