Monster High: Escape From Skull Shores 1/4

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The bell of Monster High rang. In the halls, someone was galloping on a horse through the wave of students. The students gasp in surprise at how fast they were running.

It turned out to be Headmistress Bloodgood (ig all the teachers stay the same 🦭). She continued running around, students avoiding to get trampled over. Nightmare loudly neighed before the Headmistress got off her. The students hear the microphone feedback.

"Attention students of Monster High." She announced in the PA system. "When the bell tolls three, it will be time for... spring break!" As soon as those two words hit everyone's ears, they threw their school work into the air and quickly leave the building. (Imagine being the janitor)

Just outside the school was a whole ass carnival. Everyone was having fun with the games, rides, and more. Y/n was hanging out with Claws, Ghoulius, and Franklin at the caricature. Ghoulius moaned. "Ghoulius is right. Isn't this carnival, like, the perfect way to kick off spring break?" Franklin asked.

Y/n agreed. "Totes! Everyone fanging out and having fun." Claws pointed at Headmistress Bloodgood. "Even Headmistress Bloodgood is getting into it." They see her telling Cupid a fortune with her head, to which he wasn't so happy it was about homework.

They saw Franklin's caricature and Claws was amused. "Hilarious! That's awesome!" Y/n chuckled at the exaggerated head of Franklin. Franklin snickered at it, sparking at the bolts. "I'm so charged up for our big trip! Have you packed yet?" He asked them.

Y/n nodded. "Nine suitcases filled to brim with shoes!" She held up nine fingers, making the boys laugh. Ghoulius moaned at Claws, questioningly. "No, Lagoon hasn't told Gillia yet." "He wanted it to be a surprise." Y/n said.

"Is Spectrum coming?" Franklin asked, just as soon as the ghost came flying by, scaring a goblin putting a painting on the wall of the tent. "Sorry, everyone, I can't make it. My family's taking me to see some of their old haunts. Should make some great ghost stories for my blog!" His whispery voice soon fluttered off somewhere else.

Y/n's ear softly pricked when she saw the athletic werewolf that was Clawdy. "Hey, won this for ya." She brought out a shrunken head that winked at her. Y/n smiled at the thoughtful gesture. "This looks so weird..." Clawdy's smile faltered. "Oh.." "I love it!" Y/n poked at the head. The wolf sighed in relief.

"I'm gonna go win more!" She growled at the full moon, which Y/n was surprised Claws wasn't doing earlier. Y/n held the head closely and Claws rolled his eyes, slapping his forehead at his sister's embarrassing act. "Let's go find Lagoon and Gillia." Franklin suggested and lead his friends along the carnival.

Y/n waved them a small goodbye in return of going off with Clawdy playing some games. The two made themselves go around the lot of carnival booths with plushies hanging around the roofs. Y/n held a baseball of a carnie game and tossed it towards bottles stacked together, collapsing the tower and she was given two small monster seahorses.

She happily held the tiny things like royalty before she saw Clawdy practically make her way through most games to show off. The werewolf smugly held the plushies to gloat about her strength in front of Y/n. They continue their way past Cleo and Medusa, who Cleo wasn't so happy that Y/n's pile of toys were bigger than his.

"We need more." He growled at Medusa.

Y/n happily went over to Claws to hand him one of the small seahorses. He was a bit surprised, but took it with a smile. "Thanks." She smiled up at him. "One reminded me of you." The vampire went saw Franklin start scolding the minotaur. "Manny Taur!" He grabbed her nose ring. "You can't call someone a freak just because they're different!"

Y/n was amused by the dramatics happening in front of her. "Now, go apologize!" Franklin firmly said. Manny began defending herself, but the Frankenstein was not having it tonight. "Go!" "Okay! Okay!" When she walked off, Franklin softly chuckled with Y/n.

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