30 - Threads of Fate

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Y/n's pov

After grabbing onto the thread I felt the rest of my body fall into the portal with me, tumbling through the universes as I was able to see the rest of my self change colors and styles.

It's amazing, beautiful. When I jumped before it was to evade death so I don't even remember what the experience was like.

Worlds around me switch fast as I continue my free fall in the galaxy, holding onto dear life of the thread that suddenly shoots into my chest with no pain.

I see a bright flash, then feel grass underneath me as I lay face down on a field.

Pushing up slowly I look up and see Gojo jogging out of the school doors with the thin red thread going from my chest to his.

"Y/n?" He says breathless as he walks to me in disbelief.

Once he's standing in front of me there's no denying the thread between us, connecting us together.

"The red thread of fate... it's part of Chinese mythology where it's said that a red thread is tied around the ankle or finger to those who they are destined to be with." I say softly.

"Was it always there?" He asks as he also looks down at the thread between us.

"Who knows... maybe it was overlooked because we were too busy dealing with you're mood swings." I mumble.

Taking my jaw in his hand he lifts my face up to meet his and that's when I see it. The raw emotion coming from his eyes is like nothing I've seen before and it sends heat all over my body, I feel like I'm on fire.

"You were gone a long time you know."

"Yeah, I was."

Leaning down he gives me a soft kiss before pulling me into a tight hug, both of us holding on like the other will somehow fade away. "I missed you so much." He says softly in my ear.

"Y/n you're here!!"

Pulling back I see Nobara and Yuji barreling towards me as they practically slam me to the ground in a tight group hug.

"Oh my god I can't believe you're here!" Yujis exclaims.

"Get off I had her first!"

"I missed you guys so much." Tears fall as I cling onto them tighter.

"You have no idea what I've had to put up with since you've been gone with these two boneheads." Nobara says.

"No you don't even want to know what we've been through with her insanely shitty attitude." Yuji says glaring at her.

"Really, these two were both bad." Megumi says as he crouches down putting a hand on my head. "Gojo said you were practically brainwashed in to believing we weren't real, is that true?"

"Yeah it it, I really thought I was actually crazy. They said that this was just something my mind made up."

"That must of been hard, just know that you're not crazy and we'll always be here, no matter what and that we are very much real." Yuji says gently.

"Hey girl, you finally made it back I see." Shoko says as she gives me a helping hand back up.

"Oh yeah, with the help of you guys of course."

She pulls me into a light hug, "I just want you to know I'm incredibly proud of you for finding your inner strength and coming back to us, you've grown a lot since you first came here and I'm happy to see it."

Hearing words from her like that hit a cord in me, especially since I haven't had a mother figure to be there for me for so long.

"Thank you." I say softly.

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