28 - I love you.

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Y/n's pov

It's been 4 days since I got that phone call. Since then, I've been extremely on edge to the point where my coworkers have even noticed, safe to say the meds aren't working as well.

I've gone back and forth in my mind on if it was actually real or not, even though I still pull up the call log on my phone to give me actual proof someone called me.

But, what if it was a prank... or maybe a test?

The HPO did give me this phone along with everything else I own so a part of me thinks it was them to test me.

Either way, I haven't said a damn thing nor am I planning to. Real or not the organization would not like it that I had contact with someone from another world.

As I get ready to leave work for the day, one of the other assistants comes over a taps me on the shoulder.
"Hey y/n, Mr. Steinfield wants to see you in his office."

"Oh okay, thanks." I say back.

I walk over to his office through the door that's wide open. "You wanted to see me."

"Ah yes y/n! Go ahead and close the door, this will only take a minute." He beams.

Closing the door, I feel a slight discomfort in my chest, like the butterflies I'd get when my anxiety would get bad. Maybe the meds aren't working...

"So y/n I wanted to talk to you about you're recent change in behavior. I've had employees and other staff mention it too me, and I've decided to have you come back to stay in our hospital." He says.

"What no I-"

"I can see you're panic and I just want to let you know it'll only be temporarily, let's say a few weeks just so we can monitor you. This is in you're best interest, y/n."

Feeling defeated, I decide to test the waters a little bit. "Mr. Steinfield-"

"Please, I've told you just call me Richard." He says with a charmed smile.


"Richard, why are you and this organization doing so much for me? Who am I too you?"

For a brief moment, he says nothing and looks hard at me. Finally, he sighs and leans back in his seat. "I was a friend of your fathers, back in the day you know. After hearing you went missing and finally came back I wanted to do something to help you as a way of helping him. Plus, I see big potential in you."

My father.

Hearing him bring up my dad it forces memories up that I just can't quite get ahold of.

"Oh okay. Thank you." I say quietly as a war rages in my mind.

"Of course. Pack some essentials, only what you need and I'll have someone pick you up around 8. Remember, this is too help you." He declares again.

Pack essentials, only what you need. Another sentence that strikes at my memory.

I go back and start packing on autopilot like I've done this a million times before. I really don't want to go back to that place, the freedom I have here is one thing that's keeping me somewhat sane. I suppose I could run away...

My phone rings again.

Rushing over I see the same name on the screen.


"Y/n, can you hear me?"


"Yes, yes I can hear you!"

"Finally, okay look I don't know how long I have so listen, you have the power to jump universes like your father did okay? I need you to tap into that ability and come back, can you hear me?" He rushes.

"Yes I can and an ability? Gojo how is this even possible we're talking now?"

"There's not enough time listen, that organization are some bad people y/n they take people out who have abilities in your world, they're after you."

"The HPO... they're the ones who've taken me in, gave me a job, a home and medical help. They told me you weren't real and it was all in my head, I'm on a lot of medications because of it." I say slowly as I process what he's saying as it all comes together.

"We're real honey, you're not crazy and those people are not trying to help you. Please listen to me y/n, even if you don't come back for good at least let us get you out of danger." He says with desperation in his voice through light static.

"I'm not crazy..."

A few hard knocks at the door along with a man's voice startle me. "Miss y/n? We're here from the HPO."

"Shit they're here early."

"Who is-"

"Can I call you again?" I say quietly cutting him off.

"I don't know if it works like that, just please try and get back to us."

"I don't know how!" I whisper in frustration.

"Listen y/n you have the power in you that was passed from your father onto you, you just need to believe in yourself as much as the rest of us." He says gently over the line.

"Miss y/n!" The woman's voice yells from behind the door.

"Y/n please, I love y-"

The call dropped before he could finish, but I have a pretty good feeling on what he was going to say.

I love you.

Rushing to the door I open it to see a brunette woman with two large men behind her, she plasters in a big smile upon seeing me.

"Ah miss y/n, we're here from the HPO to bring you back for some treatment, the boss already mentioned this to you yes?" She says.

"Yes but you guys are an hour and a half early, I haven't finished packing yet."

"Just bring what you did pack, we have plenty at the hospital." She says in a sweet voice as the men push past and grab my two half packed bags.

Just please try and get back to us.

I don't know how, I don't even know where to start and I don't have enough time to sit and think about it.

I follow after them into the black suv and let them take me back with the feeling they aren't planning to release me anytime soon.

But... he said he loves me.


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