4 - Club

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Starting at the school here was much easier than I thought it would be. I was nervous about the thought of meeting new people and studying something I had no idea about, but it's been about a week and it's really exciting actually. There haven't been any updates on how to get me back home just yet, so I've decided to try my best at integrating myself with life here instead.

I met some of Yuji's friends that I knew from the show, Nobara and Megumi and was able to hit it off with them, especially since here they're all closer to my age instead of how it is in my world. The four of us have all of our classes together naturally, so we've been able to hang out more often than not and Nobara and I have been getting closer, seeming as now she finally has a girl in the group.

Still, I haven't had close friends in a long time so I still feel awkward and tense around them at times.

I haven't spoken to Gojo since I tried running away, but seeing as how he's one of my teachers I feel I won't be so lucky. I don't get what his problem is with me? He'll be super obnoxious and goofy with the other students, but when he runs into me he turns into a cold-hearted prick.

If I could kick his ass I would.

"Hey girl! You ready for tonight?" Nobara says to me as we walk back from our last class. She decided to take it upon herself to show me some of the nightlife in Tokyo, starting with her favorite club. Seeing as how I never went to clubs back home I couldn't possibly say no.

"Yeah for sure! Problem is that I don't have anything to wear, anyway I could borrow something?"

"This is perfect, so I got this dress that I thought I'd like but I never end up wearing for some reason but I think it'll look great on you!" She says grabbing my arm and leading me to her dorm. "We'll need to go out shopping soon, I have a ton of cute spots I can take you!"

Once we get there she hands me a black sparkly mini dress with a cut out on the side and one strap on the shoulder and I'm completely taken aback.

"Wait, don't you think it'll be too much? I don't know if I'd be able to pull this off but this is the prettiest dress I've ever seen." I say feeling a bit self-conscious.

Nobara hits me upside the head, "Ow what was that for?" I exclaim.

"Don't say dumb shit like that you can pull anything off y/n, anyway meet me out front at 8:30 now go hurry up and get ready!" She squeals as she shoves me out the door.

A few hours later I'm standing in my bathroom staring at myself in the mirror with borrowed makeup sprawled on the counter thinking on how I never got this experience back in my world. Yeah, but you can have this now.

Pushing back those annoying depressive thoughts, I put on some music and allow myself to get excited while I dance around as I do my hair and makeup. I opted for a soft smokey eye and a neutral lip with my hair pinned straight falling down to the middle of my back. Slipping on the dress and some black heels I take a long look at myself and to be honest, I'd be lying if I said I didn't instantly fall in love with myself.

I feel so feminine and powerful, I never want to give this feeling up.

Throwing on a long back leather coat because I'd be damned if anyone here saw me like this, I grab my wallet and walk out the door, noting the time at 8:25. Strutting down the dim halls makes me feel even more of the powerful bad bitch I am and nothing and no one can bring me down at this point.

That is until I go to turn the corner when I run into a certain white-haired douchbag. Really goddess, today of all days?

" 'Scuse me." I mutter tightly and try to move past him when he reaches out and grabs my arm, "Where exactly are you going dressed like that?" He says like he's an overprotective parent.

"What the hell does it matter to you? I'm going out now let go of me." I spit back as I tear my arm free and finally push past him. I look back to see him glaring at me with a look of... disappointment?

I can't believe the nerve on this guy.

I make it down to where I see Nobara waiting for me and seeing her wave at me with the biggest smile on her face is enough to lift my sour mood caused by that idiot. I'm so incredibly grateful for her.

"I see we apparently have the same brain," she says pointing between our black jackets covering our outfits underneath, "ugh I'm so excited for tonight! It's much needed after dealing with those dumb boys all the time. Oh look, there's our Uber!" She says and we climb in the back seat as the driver takes us to the city.

We spent the car ride there gossiping about what's going on around the school, mostly about the wannabe popular group who thinks they're the shit (spoiler alert, they're not) and I decided not to let my world traveling or Gojo being an asshole situation bother me tonight as I never got this college-partying experience, back home since I was too broke to go and had to go straight to work.

Once we got inside I was overcome with the rise in temperature and the smell of alcohol, everywhere we looked there were people dancing, talking, drinking and just all around having a damn good time.

"Alright Nobara, I'm going to need a drink." I say feeling excitement run through me. I've always loved being around a lot of people who are all having a good time like this, it gives me a way to be a part of something without having to actually talk to people.

Can't forget that anxiety shit.

After we discard our jackets, she drags me through the sea of people finally making our way to the bartender and grabbing some drinks. We find a small table to sit at for the moment.

"Ugh man, I love coming here. It's loud and dark and they always play the best music. It kinda sucks though having only Yuji and Megumi to come with, half the time they're just too busy talking with each other to actually come out and dance." Nobara pouts as she takes a sip from her drink, "I know that your situation is very weird and all but I'm happy you ended up here with us."

"Honestly I've been starting to feel a little better about being here, everyone here has been so helpful surprisingly." I half shout over the loud music.

"Speaking of, I noticed that Gojo doesn't seem to talk to you like... ever. Did something happen when you first came here y/n?"

"Honestly no. I have no idea why that half wit has been so shitty with me. Did you know that while I was locked up in my room for two weeks he never even told Principal Yaga or any higher ups?" I down the rest of my drink.

"Are you being serious? No I didn't know that at all what the hell! I know Yuji came to visit, but that's the extent of it. That guy is fucking hot and cold I swear." She says as she also finishes her drink.

"Listen y/n, if anything happens you can come to me okay? I know we aren't that close yet but I know we're going to be best friends whether you like it or not, got it?" She says pointing a finger at me.

"Yes ma'am I got it," I tease back, "so are we going to sit here all night or-"

"Shut up we're going to get another drink and we're going straight to the dance floor dammit!"


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